Question 578

248 4 4

(Meggy and Infinite walked back inside the mansion to see Hooked and V telling Meggy the good news

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(Meggy and Infinite walked back inside the mansion to see Hooked and V telling Meggy the good news.)

Hooked: Meggy! We got your clothes back!

V: We are not joking. Take a look at the drawers.

(Meggy took a look inside the drawers and saw all her clothes inside it.)

Meggy: (gasps) Yay! My clothes are back!

Infinite: Alrighty! Oh... I guess you need privacy in order to put your clothes on. My apologies, Meggy. (walks out the room)

Meggy: (takes off her Blood Raven suit and puts a pair of her clothes back on) It feels so good to be with my clothes again. (walks out the room) I'm back!

Crystalonetta: Alright!

Mario: Your clothes are back!

ReaderFromWR: Awesome!

Hooked: No need to thank me, guys.

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