Question 699

158 4 4

(Based off an rp between me, Infinitetheedge , machito96 , and Turlandb but with a few things changed)

(Based off an rp between me, Infinitetheedge , machito96 , and Turlandb but with a few things changed)

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Mario, Meggy, and Infinite: FRANCIS?!

Mario: Oh no...

Meggy: It's happening again!

Mario: I thought we were done with this!

(Turlandb and Machito came in beside them.)

Turlandb: Francis... you motherf*cker.

Machito: You stinking traitor. (summons his Wind Sabers)

Francis: (grabs his trident) You think your Sabers will be a match for for my trident?

Turlandb: Well, how about this?! (strikes Machito's Wind Sabers with lightning, powering it up)

Machito: Now, that's more like it! Thanks, Turco!

Francis: (laughs) How cute.

Turlandb: Not done yet! (uses Red Burst and summons flames around Machito's Wind Sabers)

Machito: Don't think I won't let you get away after what you said to brother! (starts charging at Francis)

Francis: Bring it. (jumps into the air and summons multiple tridents)

Machito: (starts fighting Francis) I'll keep him distracted! The rest of you, think of something!

Turlandb: Mario! Meggy! Use your new Color Power Security System!

Mario: What's the most powerful attack the security system has?

Turlandb: It is tied between Lightning, Laser, and Bomb! Those three are the most powerful!

Machito: (spins around and makes a tornado)

Francis: (throws the tridents)

Machito: (shoots one of Francis' tridents with his wind)

Mario: Lightning!

(Lightning strikes Francis from the security system.)

Infinite: Got you now! (flies at Francis)

Francis: I don't think so. (summons two giant hands, and one grabs Infinite)

Infinite: Agh! What the?!

Machito: Brother!! (rushes to Infinite)

Francis: I'm doing what's right! You so called heroes left dangerous villains alive! Don't make yourselves the villains in MY story.

Infinite: (stabs the giant hand and lands beside Machito)

Turlandb: Mario! Meggy! Use Spikes!

Mario and Meggy: Spikes!

(The Spikes hit the giant hands, as Machito pushed them back.)

Turlandb: CUBE! BOMB!

(Black cubes with bombs inside them land next to Francis, then they explode, launching him into a wall.)

Machito: Wow. For the smartest person in the multiverse, you're f*cking dumb not knowing what Infinite did to keep us safe.

Francis: I don't care! Your idiot jackal friend did bad things in the past! He took away thousands of lives, and he WALKED away from it! Families were broken because of him!



Francis: Hmm... well, heed my warning. Once all of the other villains are dead... (points to Infinite) He's NEXT. (disappears)

Machito: If he has to go through brother, then he has to go through me.

Mario: Uh oh...

Meggy: Why does everything trying to kill us?

Machito: Mario, Meggy, you okay?

Infinite: He's not after you two... He's after me. That was just a warning...

Mario: Yeah, but... we were this close to death yet again...

Machito: Don't worry, Mario. As long as we're here, you and Meggy are safe.

Infinite: Yep. I'd rather have him go after me than go after you two.

Mario and Meggy: Thank you.

Machito: You're welcome. Brother, we really need to do something about Francis.

Infinite: Yeah, we do...

Machito: (sigh) Well, for now, you're not the main target yet, but the former villains are.

Infinite: Sadly...

Meggy: I hope he'll return to our side soon.

Mario: Me too.

Meggy: (looks at the question number, which was 699, as she squeals in excitement)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now