Questions 718-725/The End (for the fourth time)...?

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Meggy: Well... it's time for the final set of questions of Ask Meggy Anything Part 4. You all have been really nice to me ever since this started, and I appreciate it with all the questions. Anyways, let's get to our last questions before I go for a while. Let's get started. (starts reading the questions)

 (starts reading the questions)

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Meggy: (giggles) Sure. (turns to Squid form) Hey, Mario!

Mario: (walks in) Oh, hi, Meggy. What's up?

Meggy: (jumps up, turns back to human form, and starts kissing Mario deep)

Mario: (eyes widen and starts to blush, but starts to kiss back) That felt very sweet.

Meggy: It sure was. (smiles) I love you.

Mario: I love you too.

Meggy: I prefer Calamari Inkantation

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Meggy: I prefer Calamari Inkantation. Sounds more memorable.

Meggy: Okay

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Meggy: Okay.

Mario: Okie dokie.

(4 minutes later)

Meggy: That was really good.

Mario: Gives me horrible flashbacks of my previous encounters with these things, but... I kinda liked it.

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Ask Meggy Anything! Part 4 (Questions 555-725)Where stories live. Discover now