Chapter 13 (18+)

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Chapter 13:

Leading Krist into the apartment Singto felt ever so grateful for having showered earlier at the gym and them both having eaten dinner during a meeting over scripts for their next stage project because the idea of showing his Kitten sex toys was just blowing his fucking mind. "Kit do you want to shower?"

"Hrmm? Oh, no." The younger smiled and shook his head. "I had one after my photo shoot earlier. Why, did you need one?" He bit his lip looking up through his lashes, knowing just how to play his lover.

Shaking his head Singto groaned a little, "No Babe I showered after working out. Come here, I'll show you what you asked about earlier." Singto had been hard since leaving the damn office and it was a miracle he could think at all given his current state. Sitting in the chair at his desk, he opened the laptop and booted it up before tugging his precious kitten into his lap.

Krist just grinned and leaned back against his lover's chest enjoying the feel of his firmness against his back. He loved these moments when it was just the two of them, close and able to enjoy one another with no one to spy or bother them. "Why are we looking on the computer?" He continued to play innocent for his Tuan.

Sing felt his cock jerk at the sweet question, sometimes he wondered how his Krist managed to make it to his age and still be so sweet. "Because we'll have to look at websites so you can learn about the toys. I don't have any of my own."

"Web sites? Like, sites where you buy them?" Krist turned to look at Singto biting his lip. "So... if we wanted we could pick some to try?"

Closing his eyes Sinto groaned and thumped his head into Krist's shoulder. "Fuck, Babe you can't say things like that to me." He hissed when he felt his lover rock back on his hard cock. "Kit. If you aren't careful... FUCK." He gripped Krist's hips as he felt the other grind down on his cock. "Pants, off, NOW." He ordered as he unzipped his own jeans and pulled them off quickly releasing his hard dick.

For his part, Krist grinned when he was turned away from his boyfriend as he shed his clothes as fast as he could, this was going to be fun. Moving quickly he rushed to the bedroom and grabbed a condom and the lube before coming back and passing them to Singto. "Please, Sing, I need you so bad." He leaned over the desk presenting his ass for the elder man.

Shaking his head the college student knew he was never going to be able to concentrate at this desk again, not that he was going to let that stop him. Lubing two fingers he gently pressed them into Krist careful not to hurt him, they're normal sex life was filled with far more tender love making than rough sex, Singto always wanting his lover to know how special and precious he was to him.

Listening to Krist moan and start to rock back as Singto twisted his fingers and he began to move them in and out to help relax and stretch Krist open for him. "Come here, Babe." Sing opened his pants, sliding the condom on and lubing it up. He carefully sat Krist on his cock, nestling them together as he nosed against the neck of his lover. "Do you even know how much I love you?"

Gasping as he slid down Krist whimpered, nothing ever felt the way Singto entering him felt in his entire life. It was pleasure and pain and mind-numbing white-out all in one, he couldn't find a word to describe what he felt when joining his body with Singto's but perfect. "Maybe as much as I love you?" Krist gasped linking their fingers tightly leaning into his lion's chest desperate for more skin contact. "Sing, please it's so much." He panted needy and wanting.

"Tsk, you wanted me to show you what sex toys were didn't you?" The elder whispered his voice low and teasing. Krist whined, maybe this wasn't his greatest idea, as his lover booted up his laptop.


Off felt less and less guilty about lying as he drove them back to his condo. Seeing Gun curled up in the passenger seat dozing was doing things to his heart, making it squeeze, and he couldn't figure out why. This was just his Gun, he saw him like this all the time. Once parked he shook Gun gently, "Come on, we're at my place. Food should arrive soon and we need to go up."

The smaller guy's eyes fluttered open gazing at Off before nodding, then turned on his back unbuckling his seatbelt. Then like the fluffy kitten he was, Off thought with a smile, he arched his back stretching right there in the car. "Okay, Papii, I'm so hungry." He had a little pout on his face now.

Reaching back Off grabbed Gun's bag and shook his head, "Then let's go up, na?" Nodding Gun got out of the car yawning but as soon as he was next to his Papii he latched onto his arm cuddling close. Off felt like he was soaking up the warmth from the younger man.

Once inside Off gave Gun a quick squeeze, "Why don't you go shower, you can wear some of my things. I didn't get a chance to take our dirty things from the suitcases so if you want to take yours out I can wash them." He adds, making it clear he hadn't gone into the younger man's luggage.

Blinking some of the sleep from his eyes, Gun glanced toward the room. "Um, yeah, I'll get my own stuff out don't... don't worry about it!" He all but dashed into the bedroom. After a few minutes, Off heard the suitcase close and then the shower start up. Whatever his Baby was hiding in there was piquing his interest more and more. The question was, how did he find out if what he thought was in there, was what was in there?

Just minutes before the shower turned off their food arrived, Off would be lying if he said the smell didn't make him hungry all over again. Looking up when the door opened he saw Gun drying his hair with a towel, dressed in a pair of Off's sweat pant's the string pulled tight to keep them up and one of his black t-shirts. The cloths basically swam on him making him appear even tinier than usual and Off was hit with the urge to just hug him and protect him from everything."Food's here, come eat and we can put on a movie." He set the food out on the coffee table and they both sat leaning against the sofa, once Gun had picked a movie to watch. Off was now watching Finding Nemo for what had to be the millionth time.

Halfway through the movie with almost all of the food gone, Gun's head fell into Off's chest since the elder had his arm over the younger's shoulder allowing Gun to cuddle him. Looking down he saw Gun had once again fallen asleep. Smiling Off shook his head and turned the movie off. Carefully he stood, then lifted Gun into his arms and carried him to the bedroom. Once Gun was tucked in he went to clear up the food and then returned to the bedroom after locking up. Once in his own bed he chuckled because Gun rolled instantly seeking his warmth, tiny face pressing into his neck and arms hugging his chest. Adjusting slightly, Off let his arm go around Gun's shoulder's gently holding the beautiful boy close as he too drifted off.



SO sorry this took so long getting out. I had some health issues and the family stuff happen. Hopefully, that's done with! I want to thank everyone who's voted and left me comments! They encourage me to keep writing and really brighten my day! 😘🤗💖💖

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