Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

They were doing OurSkyy promotions and today was school rangers. Krist and Singto had joined them, and Off was sitting in a chair just watching the ever-growing pile of napping bodies. When Arm and Singto entered together they stopped when they saw it. Glancing to his friends Singto raised a brow at Tay hoping for some sort of explanation.

Frank was behind New who was laid against his chest. Krist had his head pillowed on Newwie's stomach. Gun was wrapped tightly around Newwie as if the other man was a plush for him to cuddle. Arm sat next to Tay when Singto took the chair next to Off all four men now staring at the group on the ground. Nicky, Chimon, Fiat, and Drake all entered and the three younger glanced at the chairs, the nappers and then one another before kicking their shoes off. Fiat's head ended up on Krist's thigh, Drake had cuddled up with his head on Frank's shoulder and Chimon had plastered himself to Gun's back only to have finger's clasp his and a foot tangle his ankle pulling the younger closer.

It took precious seconds for both Singto and Off to whip out their phones each taking pictures of their respective 'wives & kids' cuddling. They'd shared a silent look and agreed never to speak of the behavior they'd just displayed. Tay was laughing at them, he'd taken pictures as soon as he'd seen Newwie cuddled up with Frank, fuck the rest of them, they were his little family.

Nicky, however, was still in the doorway staring at the group like they had all gone crazy, or maybe he had gone crazy, he wasn't sure. "What the hell?"

"Shh." Three voices hissed glaring now at their fellow ranger. Pluem entered seeing the little dozing group and took out his own phone going over to take a picture of Gun and Chimon. They were too damn cute when he saw Nanon he waved him over, the three were still thick as thieves.

Smacking Pluem's should the other boy dragged him away, "Stop taking pictures of them sleeping you creeper." He rolled his eyes. "You are so weird sometimes, I swear." He was whispering and had settled at Tay's feet resting back against his legs with a yawn.

"Hey, you ok, Kid?" Tay looked down worried. "Not sleeping much?" Nanon tended to be quite chipper so for him to be cranky wasn't usual.

Newwie opened one eye looking over at his boyfriend and what appeared to be ANOTHER kid they were adopting. Gun sighed and lifted his and Chimon's arms to welcome his Baby Chick's BFF into the fold, "Well come here. Don't just sit over there pretending not to pout." The younger didn't have to be asked twice. He somehow managed to burrow his way into the group of men getting close to New and ending up being held by Gun and Chimon. "Spoiled kids." Gun yawned before settling down.

"Says the one with the Sugar Daddy." Drake chuckled quietly but it was still heard making Off flush a little while Tay laughed.

Tay answering back, "It's Sugar Papii, Drake, you're an OffGun shipper you need to use the right terms." The glares he received from Drake and Gun were priceless in his opinion, the smack to the head from his Peng however fucking hurt. "OW!"

"Thank you, Papii." Gun called, settling back down.

Grinning in satisfaction Off glanced up from his Instagram feed, "Anytime, Babii."

"Seriously guys? - What the hell is going on?" Nicky and Arm were hissing the questions, just trying to wrap their heads around the changes. They had known Gun and Nanon were away due to having to film so the very drastic change in dynamic was a little weird.

Rolling his eyes Tay shrugged, "Technically it's called a Puppy Pile." Leaning he whispered, "When a group of ya know, not Tops get together and cuddle or sleep and just comfort each other. It's a thing I've seen done a lot, don't worry it's perfectly normal. Gun and Newwie have done it almost since they met. Krist found out and well... epic pouting and as you can see the kids like to join in I think cause it's comforting for them. We don't mind because it's entirely non-threatening." He finished just looking at them.

"That's pretty much it. Now if you want to talk, do it through Line or leave the room so we can sleep. And I do not have epic pouts!" Krist snapped his own eyes flashing open.

"You so do." Just about everyone in the napping pile answered. "But it's ok, it's like your superpower." Fiat finished patting his Ma's leg.

The dozing group could hear the furious typing, "They're talking about us." Newwie muttered.

"Of course they are. They have nothing better to do than stare creepily." Nanon sighing back.

Krist joined in adding, "Try to covertly take pictures of how cute we all are."

"And talk about us because we are all they have in their sad little lives." Gun tosses out. 

Chimon starts laughing hiding his face in Gun's neck before pressing a quick kiss to his nape. "OW! No kissing my neck, Baby Chick!"

"CHIMON!" Both Off and Pluem's voice echoed in the room dark warning looks on their faces.

"Not threatened, hu?" Arm asked Tay with a raised brow.

Shrugging Tay sighed, "They're still working out some chinks in their relationships. I mean, I'd have a problem if Frank kissed one of Newwie's erogenous zones."

"Ugh, I think we'd all have a problem with that!" Frank, New, and Drake looked over with equally disturbing faces. "Please, never say anything that gross about me and Mae again." Newwie and Drake nodded.

Nicky was staring at Tay, "You are just one of the weirdest guys I know and I'm pretty sure you are all nuts and taking the kids with you. Someone needs to stage an intervention."

"Nah, the girls at the office love it too much." Singto shrugged glancing up his face and voice dry and serious but he had that wicked glint in his eyes.



After my dryspell, it seems I'm just full of crazy ideas. Remember to vote and comment! They're huge inspiration to keep writing on this one. 

Sorry if you get an update notice. I realized I'd been misspelling some names and wanted to come in and correct it, it was bothering me like crazy.

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