The 2- year contract

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(language: English, Tagalog; I will try my best to translate as accurately as possible (:)

It has been 2 years after the boy's world tour, after the tour, their fan bases multiplied all throughout the world. They became busy with appearing as guests in Filipino game shows and general interviews, they would occasionally get interviews and invites from different countries like the States, UK, Australia, Canada, and others. The boys were still the best of friends, some would even say they became closer. They've created an album and has already released a new single from another album, which has yet to be released. Keifer and Francis relocated their families and homes in Metro Manila to be closer to each other. The boys had an interview with Vice Ganda in a few hours and they decided to meet up at Mackie's house. 

Ding Dong Ding Dong 

"Papunta na, Papunta na!" ("I'm coming, I'm coming" ) Mackie Empuerto screamed, racing to the door. 

Mackie slammed the door open revealing Keifer Sanchez, "Hi!" he waved to Mackie as he smiled widely, Mackie told him to come in and he slapped the door shut which made Keifer flinch. Mackie is just slightly taller than Keifer, Keifer still had his long hair to his shoulders. He maintained the length because he felt comfortable with it and thought it looked good on him. 

They sat down on Mackie's bed on their phones, until Francis came. 

"Aye nako.. Asan na ba si francis???" (Oh my gosh.. Where is Francis???) Mackie asked, letting out a big sigh. 

"Intay lang Mack, malapit na siguro yun." "Just wait Mack, he's probably near by"  Keifer told him while looking through your phone. 

Just as Mackie was about to say something, his phone rang, which made him and Keifer flinch. 

"Anoo ba yaannnn!!" ("what is itttt?")  Keifer said with an annoyed face. 

Mackie looked at his phone and it was their manager" 

Mackie: Hello po? 

Manager  Joe: Mackie! kasama mo si Keifer? (Mackie! are you with Keifer?) 

Mackie: Opo

manager Joe: Okay, I need both of you at the agency, NOW. 

*hangs up* 

Mackie was confused because he sounded pretty mad, Mackie looked at Keifer, judging from his face he heard the entire thing. Keifer and Mackie looked at each other with worry to hurried out the door.

- At the agency- 

"Ano kasi po yung sasabihin nyo kasi?" ("What is it you are going to tell us anyway?") Francis asked impatiently 

"Let's wait for the other two" He answered back, as he finished his response the 'other two' came flying into the room. 

"NANDITO NA KAMI" ("WE'RE HERE") They both exclaimed, breathing heavily. 

The three teens burst into laughter and were silenced by the manager, "sit down."

the three did as they were told and gulped at the sound of his voice, the manager stood in front of them with a straight face and inhaled. 

"You guys..." he began, the boys noticed that the corners of his lips are turning upright and are reaching for his ears; "ARE INVITED TO CANADA FOR A GAME SHOW" He screamed excitedly.

the boys were happy but were confused as to why he made such a big deal about it, they get Canadian offers more often in the past years, "yay! but why are you so excited?" Keifer asked. 

"kasi, ito ay 2 year contract, game show na kailanggan nanduon kayo for 2years" 

("Because it's a 2 year contract, the game show requires you to be present in Canada for 2 years") he explained excitedly. 

the boys were shocked, almost as shocked as they were when Ariana surprised them a couple of years ago. 

"T-that's amazing!" Mackie finally spoke up, the other two were still processing the news. 

Without a doubt, their manager knew they were all in for the contract. The only problem is their parents, the contract requires them to live in Canada with no one else but their vocal coach and manager and even if that was the case they would live in a separate home from them. The kids caught on to the manager's worries and asked the question out loud. 

"paano na parents namin?" 

("What about are parents?") They simultaneously asked with worry, as their faces drooped them into a worry phase. 

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