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It's been hours since Mackie was rushed to the hospital, Francis and Keifer were still asleep in his room.





"Wake up.." mackie urged.

Keifer rubbed his eyes with his free hand, the other holding Mackie's hand.

"Mack...." keifer starts..

His tears beginning to well up...

"Mackie.... are you okay?" Keifer whimpers.

"Yeah.. I'm okay." Mackie replies, pulling his hand away.

Keifer noticed him pulling his hand away, but grabbed it before he completely pulled it away.

"I'm sorry.." keifer says.

"I'm sorry for being harsh.." Keifer says.

"Do you believe me?" Mackie begins.

"Huh?" Keifer asked confused.

"Do you believe when I say I didn't push Kim" mackie staring into Keifer's eyes.

"Mack...." keifer says looking down.

"That's What I thought." Mackie says sharply pulling his hand away.

"Mackie.." keifer starts,

"Just leave." Mackie interrupts.

Keifer's eyes begin to tear up,

"I know it seemed like that.. I know it seems like I didn't believe you, I was confused, trying to find a reason, or explanation.. there's no excuse for how I treated you. I should've believed in you. Not just your words but the person I fell in love with. I'm sorry, I know I don't know the truth of it all but please believe me when I say, I will be by your side to support you. No matter how this whole thing will end. Even if you don't want me by your side, I will be there." Keifer smiles weakly.

"Whatever." Mackie stared into Keifer's eyes.

Keifer left after wiping away his tears, Francis has been fake sleeping, not know when to get up.

After Keifer closes the door, Francis opens his eyes,

"Are you really going to stay mad at him?" Francis says getting up.

"I don't know.. I'm just tired right now." Mackie sighs.

"Well, the doctor did say you lacked sleep and food.. tsk tsk." Francis mocked.

"Hah. Yeah I should've eaten the plates of food you left me, thanks Francis.. you even stayed up after Keifer slept to put food aside for me, put a note on it saying 'mackie', how did you even know I went down there so late at night.." mackie smiled.

"Huh" Francis raises his eyebrows, confused.

"The food you left aside for me, although I didn't eat it.. I'm glad to know you cared enough.." Mackie said.

"I didn't-...." Francis starts, "I don't know what you're talking about..." Francis shaking his head.

"Then who left food for me?" Mackie asks.

"Well... who else lives in the house?" Francis hinted out.

"Why would be? He didn't care.. at all.." mackie says through his teeth.

"Well it wasn't me.." Francis says shrugging.

"I don't know man.. I just want to get my mind off of Keifer right now.. I love him but he didn't believe me, and because he didn't believe me, it broke me." Mackie says closing his eyes and laying down.

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