The closing curtains

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Narrator's pov

When Francis got back that night he was bombarded with questions,

"So?" Keifer says, laying on Francis' bed.

"What?" Francis says, trying to change his shirt.

"How was it?" Keifer asks, smiling brightly.

"It was good.. we went out to watch a movie.." francis blushes.

"Oh.. so how did it start?" Keifer asked quickly.

Francis sighs, "where's mackie?" Francis asks changing the topic.

Keifer sits up and gulps, "talking to his dad.." keifer looks down in worry.

Francis notices this and sits down next to him, "don't worry.. I'm sure it'll be alright. Us against the world remember?" Francis comforts.

"Us against the world." Keifer agrees.

Francis sighed once more, and exhaled.

"It started with the whole truth or dare thing we played, after that he was upset with me.. He thought Aurora and I had a thing. I guess you could say.. he was jealous.." Francis explains,

"We started talking more and I found out he was jealous about that and we just jumped. You know? Take a leap of faith, kinda thing. I'm new in this whole relationship thing but I hope this is my first and last relationship, it might seem like a fantasy to stay with one person and one person only.. especially at my age but he's the one that my heart and mind always thinks of at the end of the day." Francis says, smiling.

"I know what you mean... he's the last person my mind and heart think of.." keifer says quietly, nodding his head.

Francis was about to ask Keifer a question when the door bust through open,

"I told him." Mackie says coming in,

"He wasn't happy.. he didn't understand... he said he need some time to wrap his head around it.. but I told him! I told him about us.." mackie explains, looking at keifer.

Keifer couldn't help but smile, the situation with his dad won't get better right now but he'll be right by his side.

"It's okay mack... he'll understand it someday, I'll be here beside you no matter what." Keifer says in attempt to comfort Mackie.

"I'm okay.. I know he'll come around and I'm quite happy I finally told him that I love you.." mackie says, smiling weakly.

"Well!" Francis exclaims.

"It's Us against the world, mackie" Francis laughs hugging his friends.

Mackie smiles at their efforts in cheering him up,

"I love you guys." Mackie says,

Which made Keifer and Francis look at each other and smile.

"So.. Francis about Noah." Mackie starts,

Francis looks at Mackie and Keifer laughing.

He shakes his head and pretends to yawn.

"I'm sooooo tired" he has, getting up.

He pulls both Mackie and keifer off his bed, pushes them towards the door.

"You guys should go now." Francis says, still trying to yawn.

Mackie and keifer look at each other, and burst into laughter.

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