I quit

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Mackie's POV
I was laying in my bed, thinking about everything Francis and I talked about.. I would have been okay if Keifer believed me, I don't care about what others think as long as Keifer believed me.

Narrator's POV
Keifer ran and ran and slammed Mackie's door opened.

"I should've believed you!" He said breathing heavily.

Mackie stares at him with wide eyes, which turned into emotionless a second after.

Mackie's emotionless expression sent shivers in Keifer's bones..

Keifer still trying to catch his breathe,

"Mack...." keifer chokes out, walking closer to his bed, "please.. I'm so sorry." Keifer whimpers.

"Keifer.. Save it. I don't want to hear it." Mackie says bluntly.

"But mackie.. I heard her confess!" Keifer says full of hope.

"So you believe her when she says I pushed her, believe her when she says I didn't push her but you won't believe me when I say I didn't push her... would you believe me if I said I DID push her? Would you Keifer?" Mackie asks sarcastically.

"Macki-..." keifer starts, mackie interrupts.

"KEIFER" mackie screams.

Keifer trembled at Mackie's response.

Noticing Keifer's reaction, Mackie lowered his tone,

"Please.. just stop. I'm not going to forgive just because you say 'sorry' or that 'you believe me.' So stop." Mackie finishes.

Keifer drops his hand, staring at the ground..

His hair covering his face.

He sniffles, trying to stop tears from falling. But he couldn't stop them, his tears began falling until he couldn't stop.

He sniffles but he managed to choke out 4 words.

" I love you, Mackie.." his voice shaking.

Mackie felt guilty, he wanted to run up to him and hug him. To make him stop crying, to comfort him.

He wanted so much to say 'I love you too' but something in him stopped him.

He couldn't say it. He couldn't do it.

Keifer wanted him to, he waited.

"Don't you love me back?" Keifer asks desperately, lifting his head up.

Mackie turned his emotions off the moment Keifer lifted his head.

"Keifer, please." Mackie urges.

"Don't you?" Keifer holding his sob.

"I don't know!" Mackie confesses, Mackie was surprised with what he said but he knew that was what he really felt.

Mackie sighed, "I don't know.." he repeated looking down.

Mackie lifted his head up to look at Keifer who didn't respond.

Keifer stood by the door, looking horrified that Mackie said what he said.

He stood there for seconds until he spoke up,

"I..." keifer started, "I..." he continued.. he couldn't help but cry,

Mackie was hurt letting Keifer cry and be hurt the way he was hurting right now, it hurt even more that he caused it... but he knew he couldn't lie, he said what he said, and he meant every word.

Mackie closed his eyes, closing his heart on Keifer, "Please.. if you're going to cry.. don't do it in here." Mackie says.

Keifer, hurt by the words Mackie told him, ran out.

Mackie's POV

Too much has been going on..

It took everything in me to not run after him.

It hurts letting him go..

It hurts either way..

I don't know..

I quit.


"I quit"




See y'all Tuesday!

Short update today but 😭

Loool love y'all

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