News is out

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The manager explained to them that they need to convince their parents to let them participate in this opportunity. Before the the boys can call their parents, the media was quick to act and showed up in front of the agency to interview the boys about the offer.

As the three tried to leave the building and hop in the car to go to their Vice Ganda Guesting, camera-mans and reporters surrounded them and were eager to ask questions.

"Tnt Boys! Will you be moving to Canada?"
"Boys! How do you feel about the offer?"
"TNT boys! Will you be taking the offer?"
"How about your family?"

The boys pushed through without making a single comment and hopped into the car,

With a sigh Francis spoke up, "paano nla nalaman?" ("How'd they find out?")

Mackie and Keifer sighed heavily and shook their heads, "I don't know" they both said.

After a few minutes in the car, Mackie's phone started ringing which made all three jump, then Keifer's then Francis'. They looked at their. Screens and gulped, they looked at each other embracing themselves for the worse as they pressed the 'accept' button together.

"Hello pa" mackie greeted
"Hi daddy, mommy" Keifer said
"Yes Po, ma" Francis exclaimed

"NO." The phones all hung up after that one word, the boys are devastated.

The boys arrived at the Vice Ganda studio, just 15 minutes earlier than the start of the show. The staffs were rushing to get them ready as they were about to go on, the boys had no energy as the phone call from their parents sucked it all out.

"In 3,2,1" shouted the producer, in hopes of getting everyone to their places.

"Gandang Gabi Vice!" The audience answered the host: Vice Ganda.

"Today, we have super special guests that I love very very very much, please welcome the TNT BOYS!" The host yelled, a staff gesturing for them to enter, the song "forever's not enough" began playing.

The boys were simply too zoned out to notice but luckily, Keifer had noticed and saved the part Francis was suppose to sing. After hearing Keifer sing, Mackie and Francis joined in.

After the song, Vice told them to take a seat as she wanted to interview them about their current lives.

"I recently heard you boys are invited to a show in Canada for 2 years!" She exclaimed not hesitating a little bit, the audience became frantic as the news is definitely fresh.

"Aha, yes Po" Mackie responded in a polite manner.

"Its a big decision Po, so we're not sure as what to do and we just learned about it a couple hours ago.." Keifer added in hopes of calming the audience down.

"Yes Po, and if we do decide, it will be made public as soon as possible." Francis finished, which caused the audience to quiet down.

Vice saw the tension the boys were in and decided to change the topic..

After talking about other aspects of their career, Vice moved on to romances.

"Since you're older now, keifer is 17, Mackie is 16 and Francis is 15?"

"Yes Po." The boys all nodded.

"Tell me about your love lives." Vice smiled at them and at the camera trying to make them tense up for comedic purposes.

"Ako Po, wala Po" ("I don't have") Francis spoke up,

Mackie and Keifer looked at each other and laughed,

"We don't have too" they both said.

"Ayyy ano yun??" ("Ohhh what was that??") Vice asked referring to their eye contact and laugh they shared together.

"We don't have anyone that we like Po" Keifer reassured.

After the interview, The boys were picked up by their manager. They were told to go back to the Agency as their parents are waiting for them. The boys were terrified, they wanted to go but scared that their hopes of going would be scattered by the parents they love.

The boys walked into the room with their moms and dads seated around the room, with eyes on the three boys they couldn't help but sweat.

"Give us 3 reasons why we should let you go." Mackie's dad spoke up,

"In 3... 2 .... 1... Go" they said as they pointed to Francis.

Francis stuttered and had nothing to say, until he saw his two friends looking at him with worry.

"To experience more than just singing in show biz" he said confidently, making his two older band mates proud.

Then the parents looked at Mackie: he gulped, "to have experience in another country for a long period of time, to practice our english" he said making Keifer smile. Keifer knew Mackie and Francis tries very hard to speak English more often and even though they struggle they, try and try again.

Then the attention was on Keifer, after the answers his younger friends gave, he didn't want to disappoint. Keifer took a deep, long breath and faced the parents forward.

"I believe we have to grab this opportunity because it's a good way to grow our fandom outside of the Philippines, to show our versatility to everyone in the world. To achieve more than what we dreamt of. To be more than what we set for ourselves. To be independent and be closer to each other." Keifer said firmly as he looked ahead at the parents. 

Mackie and Francis were proud of what he had said, but their parents? They don't know. They had blank faces until someone let out a "ha" then they couldn't hold it anymore. The room was filled of laughter from all the parents, the boys and the manager alike were confused.

"Huh" Mackie exclaimed, he turned to the other two boys, just to see them both just as confused.

"It's fine" Keifer's dad spoke up

"Huh" The boys replied

"We understand" Francis' mom said

"Huh" The boys repeated

"You can go!" The parents say altogether

The boys stayed quiet for a few seconds as their smiles gradually grew, before anybody knew it they were jumping up and down as they hugged each other.

"WE'RE GOING TO CANADA!" The boys shouted.

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