Fool me twice

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Narrator's POV
Keifer walks out the house, with anger and sadness in his heart and mind.

He walked out not knowing where to go, who to go to..

He sat out on their porch, with his hands on his face and crying out. They didn't come after him. Proves his points, they changed.. they would have ran and tackled him to the ground but they didn't.

He wishes they did.

The tears won't stop, it kept flowing.

The sun was coming down, getting darker and darker by the minute. He didn't want to go inside, he didn't want to see them.

He doesn't know what to do, where to go, who to lean on.

"Need another drink?"

Keifer looks up to see Lucas leaning on the porch,

Keifer wipes away his tears and made sure no tears came down again.

"Yeah." Keifer responded, not hesitating.

He hated Lucas, but he needed a way to forget even if it's just for a moment. It was so painful that he can't handle it anymore.

Keifer's POV

Drinking... it doesn't help... but it momentarily makes it better.

Lucas and I arrive at his place, I sat where I sat the first time. He brought out the drinks and we start drinking.

I remember him asking questions last time, but this time he was quiet.

After a few more minutes of constant, drinking.

I felt disoriented, my head was spinning and I knew I was just on the verge of getting drunk.

"Keifer." Lucas says,

"What?" I answer him

"Do we have a chance.. together?" He asks, slobbishly.

"Mmmm.. let me think..." I say back,

"Think faster..." he says, getting cosy in the sofa he was sitting on,

"Okay. I'm done thinking!" I announce my eyes lids closing and opening, every 2 seconds.

"So?" Lucas asks, still trying to find a comfortable spot.

"If have a chance... only! If you're Mackie, only if you're mackie..." I say laughing.

"Ah man..." he whines like a child.

Narrator's POV
"Mackie.... mackie.." keifer says, his eyes about to close.

"Phone....where's my phone, I'll call mackie to come get me, he'll be mad hehe" keifer announces, tapping the top of the couch for his phone,

He tapped his phone out, trying to focus his eyes on the screen he looks for Mackie's contact info,

"Ah.. here.." he presses 'call'

"Hello? Pick me up! I'm at lucas' place! Don't be jealous, I heart you!" He exclaimed happily, ending the call, "even though you hurt my heart.. it's okay" keifer says slobbishly.

"Lucas.. I called mackie.. he'll be upset for sure! So go hide!" Keifer whispers, Lucas fell asleep once he got comfortable in his sofa.

Ding dong ding dong

"I'll get it!" Keifer announces.

Mackie's POV

Is Keifer not back yet?

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