all fun and giggles

360 4 45

Narrator's POV
Mackie was out buying snacks and fruits they needed for the week, Francis and Keifer were left at home.

"Hello? Keifer.." Francis says, knocking on his door.

"Yeah?" Keifer answer, Francis opens the door.

"Can I come in?" Francis asks peeking inside.

"Yeah." Keifer says putting his phone down.

Francis enters and stands in front of Keifer.

"I'm sorry.. for blaming you and not being there for you, I'm sorry I made you feel alone." Francis sincerely.

"It's okay.. you were right I did change. I tried so hard to hide my feelings that it was getting to me.. I even drank.. I was so stupid. I just felt like none of you understood how I felt, the pressure of being the kind, calm and collected Keifer isn't always kind.. or calm.. and barely collected.." Keifer sighs.

"We really wouldn't understand if you don't tell us.." Francis replies, "but I'm sorry, I should've asked what was wrong.. I should've done at least that.. will you forgive me?" Francis asks, quietly.

"Of course, Frans." Keifer smiles,

Francis' jumps on Keifer and hugs him tightly,

"Francis.. you're going to squeeze me to death." Keifer chokes out,

"Oh sorry..." Francis let's go,

"It's okay.." keifer responds.

"Oh I'll go then, mackie is coming back soon.." Francis says about to walk out.

"Where are you going?" Keifer asks,

"Out... with Noah..." Francis giggles.

"Huh?" Keifer asks, but Francis rans away before he could answer.


Francis leaves a couple minutes after talking to Keifer.

Keifer heard someone opening the door, to be cautious, he approached the top of the stairs and peeked down.

"Hello?" Keifer shouts.

"it's me!" Mackie replies back.

"Oh okay.. welcome home.. Francis went out with Noah apparently." Keifer says loud enough for Mackie to hear.

"With Noah?" Mackie asks loudly, he makes his way through the kitchen and up the stairs,

"Yeah with Noah." Keifer replies,

"Oh?" Mackie exclaims with raised eyebrows.

"Yup." Keifer says walking back to his room,

"um.. keif.." mackie says, following him.

"Yeah?" Keifer says not turning around..

"How'd you get so pro in Making out?" Mackie teases.

Keifer stops in his tracks suddenly and turns around,

"Don't talk about that! Ever! Again!" Keifer warns.

"But... I was wondering where you learnt.." mackie teases some more.

"Mackie!" Keifer screams, turning red.

"What??" Mackie asks playing dumb.

Keifer groans and walks back to his room, mackie follows him.

"What do you want mack?" Keifer says, annoyed.

"Nothing.. you're just amusing." Mackie says with a laugh.

Mackie leaned on the wall beside Keifer's drawer, teasing Keifer who was looking for something in his drawer.

"It was really something though.." mackie started, "you held her against the wall.. your knee in between her legs, your hand on her cheek and the other on her hip..." mackie says with his eyes close.

"Mackie.. shut up please.." keifer says quietly.

"What? It's not bad to imagine right?" Mackie laughs, with his eyes close still.

One look at mackie and Keifer rolls his eyes and shakes his head,

Mackie giggles,

"Mackie." Keifer says sternly.

"What?" Mackie says opening his eyes,

Finding keifer right in front of him.

"What was it I did?" Keifer asks,

Getting closer and closer to Mackie.

"Like this?" Keifer smirks, putting his hand on Mackie's hip,

Mackie's eyes widen.

"And this?" Keifer says, trailing Mackie's body with his eyes, putting his other hand on Mackie's hip. Keifer bites his lip and stares into Mackie's eyes.

Mackie gulps.

"Oh.. and this, right?" Keifer whispers closer to Mackie's ear, looking him straight in the eyes as he pulls him closer and puts his knee in between Mackie's legs.

Keifer was just centimetres away from Mackie's face, he had a big smirk on his face.

Mackie turned into a tomato, with red flushed cheeks.

Mackie turned his head to break from Keifer's gaze,

Keifer brings his head back, where it was, facing him, "what else did I do.. mackie?" Keifer whispers.

"Uh.. I ... No..nothing.. I don't know.." mackie stutters.

"Are you sure?" Keifer smirks,

"I-... don't know." Mackie chokes out.

"Okay!" Keifer says happily, letting go of him.

Mackie, shell shocked, dropped on the ground. With red flushed cheeks.

"Come on.. lets go watch something." Keifer says, reach his hand out to Mackie.

Mackie takes his hand, getting up.

"That was not fair Keif.." mackie says, breathing heavily.

"That's why you don't tease me, I changed remember? For the better this time." Keifer says.
Authors note

Soooo, I figured out the titles for the next few updates..

And here they are!

Live and let live
Final boss
Closing curtains

Those are the last three updates that will be happening,

After that I will be announcing my new story I will post :)))))

Hope you like it!

See y'all

Love y'all


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