Where is he?

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Francis' POV

Keifer didn't come home last night so he's at the hospital, they probably made up. Mackie is suppose to be let out today, so Mr. Ivan and I are going to pick them up.

I enter the hospital doors and head straight to Mackie's room, I knock on the door,

"Hey guys I'm coming in" I announce,

I enter Mackie's room and joyfully yell, "hey Lovebirds!"

I see Mackie on his phone, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Excuse you?" He asks.

"I thought keifer was in here, did he buy food or something?" I asks him.

Mackie's face showed worrisome,

"No.. he didn't go home last night?" He asks me, trying to get up.

"No. He said he was staying with you." I tell him,

"He left.... no.. I told him to leave." Mackie says sitting on the side of his bed.

"Mackie!" I yell, kissing my teeth.

"What? Check Kim's room! He's probably in there!" He said defensively.

"I swear if he isn't!" I told him, holding my temples.

I turn around and run out, running down the hall to Kim's room.

I gulp unsure of the answer, hoping he is there..

Narrator's PoV

Francis stands in front of her door, scared of the answer he'll find.

He gulps and knocks on the door.

"Yes?" Kim shouts from inside,

"Kim it's Francis!" He shouts back at the door.

After a few seconds Kim appears opening the door.

"What do you want?" Kim asks.

"I was wondering if Keifer was here, by any chance..." Francis says politely, but still offended by her rudeness.

"No... why?" She asked, her aura becoming more gentle in them mention of Keifer.

"He didn't come home last night.. he wasn't in Mackie's room... we thought he was here.." Francis says in worry.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday morning when he visited." Kim says in concern.

"Okay.. well I'll go check around." Francis tells her, trying to end the discussion.

"Let me come!" Kim says eagerly.

"No. You're not discharged yet. And you'll only be a burden. You'll be updated." Francis tells her turning around and walking away.

"Tsk." Francis hears her saying before slamming her door shut.

Francis shakes his head in disagreement with Kim's attitude but runs towards Mackie's room in panic looking for Keifer.

"MACKIE!" Francis screams barging into Mackie's room.

"WHAT!?" Mackie screams back in panic after Francis made him jump.

"I CAN'T FIND HIM!" Francis screams

Mackie shows his true emotions, worry and despair for Keifer, but snaps out of it a second after.

"Maybe he'll turn up..later. It's not my problem." Mackie says turning around and fixing his bed.

"What are you saying?" Francis says in disgust.

"I'm just telling you the truth. I couldn't care less." Mackie says avoiding francis' face.

"Keifer would never do this! He would never just disappear out of no where, without telling anyone!" Francis urges.

"Keifer changed the moment we got here. You know that too, don't you?" Mackie says bluntly.

Francis irritated by Mackie doesn't reply to his question.

"So have you." Francis says before leaving out the door.

Mackie sighs after his friend leaves, after making sure Francis left, he wipes a tear on his face.

"Gosh darn it Keifer. Where are you." Mackie says through his teeth.


After Francis leaves the hospital, he sees Selina about to enter the hospital.

"Selina!" Francis called,

He jogged towards her, as she takes off her ear buds.

"Hey Francis.." She says quietly.

"Have you seen Keifer?" Francis asks.

"Yeah. Just saw him in front of your house. Before I left." She says.

"Okay thanks." He says, as she walks away and smiles.

Just as when Francis was about to leave with Ivan, Mackie runs out catching his breath.

"Have you found him?" He asked curiously.

Francis was irritated, "why do you care?" He asks sarcastically.

Mackie coughs, recovers from his jog. "I don't"

Francis rolls his eyes in Mackie's response.

Mackie enters the car, the whole ride back they spoke no words.

When they got to the house, they see Keifer sitting in front of the door with his head on his knees.

"Keifer? Are you okay?" Francis Asks running towards him.

Keifer didn't reply. 

Francis leans down, checking up on him.

Mackie watched them from a distance, trying to act cool but it was slowly becoming apparent that he was worried.

"Keifer..." Francis whispers,

"Uh...." Keifer exclaims lifting his head.

Francis and Mackie were confused,

Keifer started at the both of them with daze and tiresome eyes,

One still closed, the other barely open. Trying to avoid the sun.

"What happened?" Francis asks.

"I have a massive hangover, ugh." Keifer complained.

"Forgot my keys, can you open the door? I need to lay down for the next 3 days." Keifer tells Francis.

"You drank?" Mackie jumps in.

Keifer stared at Mackie, and turned away from him, ignoring him.

Francis unlocks the door and opens it.

"Thanks man." Keifer says heading inside, and up the stairs.

Mackie and Francis looked at each other in confusion and concern for Keifer.

He has changed.

Authors note:

Hey guys :)

Love y'all

See y'all

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