New home

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After 14 hours of flying the boys finally landed in Vancouver, their manager, and coach needed to take care of a few more things back home so they were told to leave before them. The boys were told after they land in Vancouver airport they would have 3 hours to eat and rest before their flight heading Nelson, Vancouver.

The boys stood outside a Starbucks reading the directions their manager gave them.

"Okay, sir Leo told us we can wander, rest and eat in the next two hours so we have an extra hour to check into our flights." Keifer announced as he read the paper of directions.

"I can't believe we have to speak English from now on." Francis pouted, with his accent.

Mackie and Keifer laughed at him and agreed,

"Since there's a Starbucks here, let's get a drink." Mackie suggested as he points up to the sign.

The other boys nodded and headed inside.
The boys sat around a table in Starbucks with their drinks in their hands, the three ordered a vanilla bean Frappe with a little to none vanilla shot to make it less sweet.

The boys didn't end up finishing their drinks, it melted too quickly and were too sweet for their liking.. they poured out the liquid that was once slush into the garbage and was on the hunt for food.

The boys noticed the time and headed for the gate that their manager had told them to go to.

After they've signed in, they waited a few more minutes and were asked to get on board the plane.

"Any drinks?" A lady asked the three boys sitting in their seats, "no thank you" Keifer answered

after 2-3 hours of flying the plane landed, the first class were asked to exit first, the boys were surprised that they would exit using stairs from the door to the ground. When the boys touched the ground they looked around and smiled at the beautiful water scenery they were greeted with. 

"Okay, Sir Leo said that there was someone picking us up...." Keifer began as he looked around and squinted at the people waiting behind a fence, then he saw a boy and a man in a suit that had a sigh with "TNT Boys" on it. 

"Ah!" Keifer screamed pointing to the people he saw, causing the other two boys to jump and turn to what he was pointing at, "There they are" he finished. 

Francis slaps Keifer arm playfully, "Omygosh You scared me!" he scoffed. 

The boys walked towards the two people holding the sign and introduced themselves: 

"Hi, My name is Mackie, this is Francis," Mackie said as he points at Francis who was waving hello to the both of them, "And this is Keifer" he finished. 

"Hello, My name is Ivan." The man in the suit spoke, "I will be your driver for the next two years. And this young man is-" Ivan continued, "Lucas." The boy said interrupting Ivan. 

Mackie smiled and was about to reach out his hand to the boy for him to shake but instead, Lucas reaches his hand out to Keifer and waited for Keifer to notice. 

Keifer noticed his hand a little late and only noticed when Francis nudged him. 

"Hoy," Francis whispered, causing Keifer to look at his side then follow Francis' gesture to shake the hand. 

"Oh. sorry" Keifer says as he laughs lightly, Keifer takes his hand and shakes it. 

"It's okay, You must be tired." Lucas smiled. 

"Oh yes, we're all tired," Mackie says. 

Lucas looks at Mackie at the very corner of his eyes and mumbles, "Mhm." 

He starts to walk away, Ivan behind him and the boys look at each other and follow. 

They get into a black car, Ivan at the driver's seat and Lucas seating at the back with them. 

"This is a nice car.," Francis said as he looked around, "this is only an old version, what's so nice about it?" Lucas dully said, not looking away from his phone as he scrolls down Instagram.

Francis got offended by what he said, Keifer was shocked and Mackie was pissed. 

"Not to be rude, but who are you?" Mackie said as he stares at Lucas. 

Lucas looks up from his phone and stares back at Mackie, 

Ivan felt the tension and decided to answer Mackie instead, 

"He is one of the other contestants, He is also a local so he had to come along with the drivers to pick everyone up.." he explained. 

"I can speak for myself, Ivan. I don't need you speaking for me. I didn't want to tell him anything." Ivan said coldly at the older man. 

The boys were annoyed with what he said,  especially Keifer. 

"We were just asking, and that's no way to talk to an elder. You're being rude for no reason." Keifer explained politely. 

Mackie and Francis were amused by what Keifer said, Keifer rarely speaks to strangers much less lecture them. 

"Although, I don't even know how old you are.. But you look pretty young so-" Keifer retreated shyly, noticing Mackie and Francis laughing beside him. 

"I'm 18. I'm a year older than you." Lucas said, going back to his phone. 

"Oh, okay.." Keifer said confused. 

"Didn't he say he didn't want to tell us anything?" Francis asks Mackie sarcastically, "Mhm." Mackie says staring at the boy on his phone. 

The drive was finally over, the boys looked outside at a sign saying "Welcome to Nelson Garden" 

"Nelson Garden?" Keifer asks, and the three boys share looks and shrugs

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