Final boss.

319 5 29

Francis PoV
Well it's been a few days since the three of us made up, Keifer and Mackie's relationship is a slow progress but Mackie tries very hard. Keifer, once in a while gives in and flirts back with him.

I just wish they'd finally, officially get together.

Once they do I can tell them.

Noah is suppose to come over today, when they leave, they're suppose to go out together.

Ding dong

Narrator's POV

"Coming!" Francis shouts.

Francis opens the door, revealing Noah.

"Hey!" Noah says,

"Noah? What are you doing here? So early.." Francis panics.

"Francis?? Who is that?" Keifer shouts from upstairs.

"Friend!" Francis shouts back,

"Boy." Noah whispers.

"SHHHH" Francis exclaims.

"Why are you here so early!?" Francis whispers.

"To tell you something! I saw Kim, she's out of the hospital.. she was speaking Tagalog, so I didn't know what she was saying, but what I did hear was that she was going to pick up whoever she was talking to and bring them here!" Noah explains, Francis was taken aback, and confused.

He told Noah to leave for now, he cancelled their plans and ran upstairs to let Mackie and Keifer know.

"Guys!" Francis yells entering the room.

He found Mackie in Keifer's bedroom, they were on their phones.

"What!?" They both yelled back, surprised.

They put their phones down and waited for Francis to talk.

"Kim is out of the hospital.. she was talking to someone on the phone in Tagalog.. and whoever she was talking to is coming here!" Francis explains.

Keifer and Mackie showed the same emotions Francis did when Noah told him.

"So who is it?" Mackie asks.

"I don't know! Noah just told me what he understood." Francis said.

"Noah, Huh?" Mackie says, with a grin and raised brow.

"That's not important. You should find out who it is.." Francis says, blushing.

"I'll go ask her.." keifer suggest.

Ding dong.

Mackie, Keifer, and Francis look at each other.

Keifer inhales and exhales before he exits his room, he goes down the stairs and hears the doorbell again.

He got to the door, unlocking it, he looks back at Francis then at Mackie..

He had an idea who it was..

It might've been his worse nightmare..

He can't believe she could do that to him..

She knew how much it'll tear him apart..

He wishes..

He hopes..

It isn't who he thinks it is..

He turns the handle and reveals who the visitor is..

Keifer exhales,

"Daddy.. hi." Keifer says, with a worried look.

His worst nightmare may have just came true.

"Hello. We need to talk." He answers back.

"Hi, keifer!" Kim says happily behind his dad. Waving innocently.

Keifer glared at Kim, feeling nothing but anger for her. Kim was taken aback by Keifer's glare.

His eyes left Kim and looks at his dad.

"Let's talk, dad." Keifer says.



That is it for today.

Quite short.

But in celebration of Father's Day and pride month I switched the chapters up.

Next update will be long :)

See y'all

love y'all


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