Camp day

330 7 7

October 5, 2021

Mackie's POV

It's been a week and performances for the first week went well, except for Keifer's and Lucas. They both refused to preform with each other and I can't blame Keifer.. What happened still bothered him.

It's also been a week since it's been awkward between Keifer and I. We haven't talked about our kiss yet. After a few seconds of the kiss, I was shocked with what I did and suddenly pulled back. I know what I did hurt Keifer..


Mackie opens his eyes and suddenly pulled back.

"I, Uh.. sorry." Mackie stutters

"It's okay." Keifer says indifferently, wiping his tears away. "Let's never talk about this.." Keifer says as he stands up.

"No, Keif. I'm sorry." Mackie begs as he reaches for Keifer. Which Keifer dodged.

Keifer walks away, "let's just go." He says.

"Keifer! Come on.." mackie pleads, he grabs Keifer's hand.

"I said it's fine." Keifer says coldly. And snatched his hand back from Mackie.

"Let's just go, I'm okay, we're okay.." keifer sighs and right after smiles.

Mackie sighs at Keifer's forced smile. "Okay."

~End of flashback~

Mackie's POV

I've been meaning to talk about with him but he just keeps avoiding the subject and in a way I guess I'm running away from it too.

Mr. Paul is sending all of us to a 3night 4day camp because of what happened. None of the others, including Francis, knows about what happened. Just that someone punched Lucas, Lucas and Keifer were so upset with each other they couldn't and wouldn't perform together.

So we're all being sent to boot camp, apparently it's all for one, and one for all.

"Are you guys ready??" Francis screams from downstairs.

"In a bit" I screamed back.

"Coming" Keifer shouted loud enough for Francis to hear.

I leave my room with my duffel back and my backpack, and Keifer leaves at same exact time too.. what a coincidence.

"Good morning.." I smile awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head.

He smiles back, "morning to you too, mack."

"LET'S GOOOO! Ivan is waiting!" Francis screams.

"Jeez haha." Keifer shakes his head, he then walks ahead of me.

"Hey Keif," I say solemnly.

"Not now, mack." He urges.

"Then when?" I answer back about irritated.

"Francis might hear." He whispers.

"Then let him hear! I feel bad not telling him anything! I feel bad not talking to you about it!" I shout a little, "I feel for bad pulling back!" I whispered, clenching my jaw.

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