When i Kissed you.

421 8 47

Keifer's POV

"It started about a year ago.." I began,

"After practice, Francis went back home, it was one of those day that we had back to back guesting, and practices.. We were really tired. After practice, I went to change and when I came back Mackie was waiting and he was asleep.. We were waiting for my dad to come and pick us up."

"I think I remember that.. Your dad was a little mean that day, it was memorable because he was mean." Mackie says.

"Yeah well, he had a reason to, sorta.. I went to wake you up.. I... went up to you..." I dragged on, then his eyes traveled from the ground to Mackie's eyes.

"If I tell you....Promise me you won't hate me." I say, almost pleading.

"I can't do that." Mackie says bluntly.

I try to hold back my tears but they just fell, after this..

'Mackie and I are through..'

'But.. I owe him the truth..'

I was about to wipe my tears away, when I felt a hand on my cheek.

"I can never hate you, Keif. Whatever it is, I'll love you through and through." Mackie says wiping the last of my tears.

"Okay.." I gulped.

"I walked up to you.. I wasn't planning to, but it just happened.. my hands wondered to your face. Next thing I knew, I was millimetres away from your face.." I look straight at his eyes, fidgeting with my hands.

"I kissed you.. but it was a peck, but it was still wrong. I'm sorry..I'm so so sorry." I begged, holding his hands.

"You kissed me?" Mackie asks, processing the information.

"Yes.. I'm sorry, it was just for a second.. until my dad saw me.." I explain.

"Your dad saw!?" Francis interrupted.

I was bawling my eyes out, I managed to nod my head.

"He saw me, and called me out." I managed to choke out.. Mackie pulled his hand away from mine and put my hand back on my legs, patting them before putting his hands away. He stood up,

'This is it.. he's going to hate me. I knew it'

Mackie stood up, I couldn't see what he was doing because I wanted to hide my face, I didn't want to see Mackie leave me. I didn't want to see his back faced me, walking away.

'Please don't go...' I kept crying, my head down and bawling my eyes out.

After a few seconds later, I felt something on my back.. warming up my cold skin. I forgot I was even cold, I just felt numb.

"You're going to catch a cold." Mackie says, then he sits down again.

I look on my back and see Mackie's sweater over me, I sit up straight and put it on properly. It was his smell, I wanted to cry even more..

"Let's go on with the story?" Mackie asks me.

"Okay.. my dad saw me and pulled me out in the hallway.."


"Mackie, I'm done changing! Oh.. why'd you fall asleep, it'll be hard waking you up."

"Mack come on," Keifer says walking up to him.

"Mackkk," Keifer whispers, patting his head..

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