Trying to forget

290 4 32

Narrator's POV

Keifer and Lucas arrive at his house, unnoticed by their neighbours.

"Sit on the couch. I'll get the drinks." Lucas ordered.

Keifer complied, not saying a single word.

He stopped crying, his eyes are red and swollen.

"Here." Lucas says handing him a glass bottle with Absolut Vodka on the front, Lucas puts plastic cups on the table and sits down opposite of Keifer.

"These aren't allowed here so don't go over board." Lucas warns.

Keifer raises his eyebrows, "wow. Someone can actually act his age." He says sarcastically.

"Is this is your first time drinking?" Lucas asks.

Keifer shakes his head, "no.." he lies.

Lucas raises his eyebrow, suspicion in his face.

"Ok, well give me this and I'll pour." Lucas says grabbing the bottle.

He pours for him and Keifer,

"This is so little.." keifer says looking into the cup.

"That's how I know you've never drank before." Lucas grins.

Keifer scrunch his eyebrows together,

"Whatever." Keifer says, drinking from the cup.

Lucas watches Keifer as he swallows the drink and a second after coughing from the strong scent and taste.

Lucas laughs at Keifer's face, and drinks his drink.

"So. Want to tell me what happened?" Lucas asks.

"No." Keifer answers bluntly.

"Okay, You will in a bit.." Lucas says smirking.

After a few more times drinking his drink, Keifer leaned back on the couch,

"Crap... everything is spinning. I'm gonna go get water." Keifer says standing up,

"Oh. Ah... jeez..." he says almost falling over.

"Just stay seated. You might hurt yourself. If you fall over I can't catch you. I'm a little effected too." Lucas says squinting his eyes on Keifer.

"Don't tell me what to do." Keifer sassed back at Lucas.

"Okay okay." Lucas laughs.

"Don't laugh. Were not friends." Keifer glares.

Lucas laughed some more at the sight and sound of Keifer being a total child when he's drunk.

"Stop it I said!" Keifer shouts.

"Relax Keif!" Lucas says,

"Don't call me that!" Keifer snaps his head towards Lucas.

"You can't call me that!" Keifer says slobbishly

"Why not?" Lucas asks.

"Because Mackie!" Keifer states.

"What about him?" Lucas says as he moves his face closer to Keifer's

"Mackie! I love him! He doesn't like you! I don't like you!" Keifer says pushing Lucas' face away.

"So?" Lucas raises his eyebrows.

"Mackie.... mackie.. doesn't....hic love me.... anymore..." keifer says whimpering..

"Oh come on really? You're going to cry?" Lucas says panicking.

"Mackie... I love him..." keifer says laying down, tears running down his face.

"I love him.. I couldn't believe Kim but what was I suppose to do? I had to think smart you know? If there was a chance Kim was lying, I had to know! If there was a chance I could help Mackie... if there was... hic mackie... he would've gotten blamed...I though it was better if I blamed him, so others won't.... so others wont.... " keifer says slowly fading to sleep.

"Mackie.... I wish I just sided with you openly, but it's okay now... since you're safe now... it's okay... I love you..." keifer closes his eyes with Mackie in his mind and heart.

"You idiot." Lucas says sighing.

"What's the point of acting like a jerk if the guy you like can't take care of you properly?" Lucas says, standing up to sit near Keifer.

"Why do I need to be the jerk that keeps him in line? I thought you guys were doing fine.. If he's hurting you because of Kim, I can make him jealous again... like I've done before.." Lucas whispers.

"I'm so sorry I kissed you forcibly.. I just saw the opportunity since Mackie was there. I didn't expect Selina to like you or for Kim to even exist.. I should've just been there for you. If Mackie can't take care of you properly, then I'll just do it in his stead. I can love you with all my heart.." Lucas says caressing Keifer's hair.

He stopped after getting to close to Keifer's face, he stood up and got a blanket and spread it over Keifer's body.

"Goodnight, Keifer." Lucas says, walking away.


Whoops here's the update.

More to come on Tuesday!

Love y'all
See y'all

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