The Truth

442 9 39

September 29, 2021

Keifer's POV 

"I swear if Mackie comes by again in the next hour, I will punch him in the face." Lucas threatens,

"You can't do that," I answered him indifferently. Mackie has been coming every hour to 'check up on us but like hell I'll let anyone hurt him, what I said caught his attention and he turned to me, walking straight at me. 

"Who's going to stop me?" He says smirking, looking down on me. I was now up against the wall and I was caged in by his arms. I knew showing any type of reaction can amuse him so I stayed indifferent even though I was really really uncomfortable. 

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him, staring in his eyes, he gives out and looks away. He turned around and walked to the piano we were using to practice. 

"I met you before.." He says while starting to play the piano, I raised my eyebrows 

"So?" I replied sharply. 

The tone of my voice with him gets him shocked, so shocked his pressed on the wrong key once he heard me. 

"At your concert at Hayward two years ago, Ashlee dragged me because I was cooped in my bedroom, I was depressed.. You told me to always smile and look to the bright side, you gave me advice that helped me out of that place. It was all thanks to you.." he continues. 

I remember talking to a boy then, I tried really hard to cheer him up, I guess I'm glad he took my advice.  

"Then?" I ask him rudely, I was doing my best to act cold to him. 

"I was depressed because I found out I was attracted to guys. When I told my parents they shunned me, sent me to my aunt's place in LA. The boys at school found out somehow and started bullying me.. You became my light and everything then.." He explains as he continues playing the piano. 

I gulped, pushing all the mean inside me out as I try to act coldly with him still. Sometimes, I hate being nice. 

"Then and now are very different." I sighed, trying to seem bothered, I walked towards my water bottle to get a drink. 

"I know, but from then until now, I've loved you. I guess I always will." Lucas says as he finishes playing the song on the piano. What he said made me choke on the water I was drinking. 

"Huh!?" I told him, I was panicking, I didn't know how to be rude or cold to a confession. 

"I don't like you! You're a guy! and you're so mean to my best friends. What makes you think you even had a chance!?" I screamed that was too harsh..  I admit that was harsh. My voice echoed through the room. 

There was a moment of silence. 

Then he spoke up again, 

"No harm in trying." He says looking down on the piano, pressing keys. 

"Okay well you tried, Don't try it again," I say sharply. 

"If you were grateful to me, why are you mean to Mackie? huh?" I interrogated. 

"Obviously because I get jealous." He says right back. 

"Jealous? of who!? me and Mackie? Are you serious?" I asked almost breaking out into a laugh. 

"yeah, Keifer. I hate to break it to you but he likes you, and as much as I hate to tell you this. You like him too." He says standing up from the piano and walks towards me. 

Once again I am up against the wall and caged in his arms. 

This time I couldn't help but react, with all the things he said, how can I not? 

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