Forgive but never forget

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Narrator's POV
"Well.. I should go." Lucas starts,

Before Lucas could leave, keifer calls to him.

"Hey.. I still hate you for everything you did.. but for everything you did right in my eyes, thank you." Keifer says,

Lucas spins his head to look at him with a big smile,

"It's all for you, Keif" Lucas says with a wink.

Mackie pretends to gag at his actions, making Lucas glare at him. Their little interaction causes Keifer to roll his eyes.

"Seriously. This is long overdue.. but I'm sorry. For everything I did wrong in your eyes. They were necessary in my eyes." Lucas said. "Maybe I did some things to fool around or piss Mackie off.. but most of the things I did were necessary." Lucas smiled.

"How?" Mackie whispers,

"Leave it." Keifer tells Mackie.

"Well, mackie that's for me to know and for you to..." Lucas drags on, smiles and walks out the house.

"For you to never find out?" Keifer says suggesting the end to his sentence.

"Well whatever.. I don't really care." Mackie shrugs.

Keifer was about to walk upstairs when Mackie pulls his arm.

"Keif." Mackie calls out.

Keifer doesn't turn around, hoping he won't cry at anything Mackie says.

"I told you remember? Today doesn't mean we're okay." Keifer says.

"I know.. but please, for now, listen." Mackie urges.

Mackie lifts his hand from Keifer's arm and moves it to his hand, mackie firmly grips his hand.

"Please." Mackie begs.

Keifer inhales, And turns around,

"Fine. Talk." Keifer says with raised eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. I was hurt.. I never felt so betrayed when you said you didn't believe me. I'm sorry I didn't take care of myself. I'm sorry I blamed it all on you. I'm sorry because I didn't believe in you. I'm sorry I didn't try hard enough. I'm sorry I made you feel alone. I'm just so sorry." Mackie cries. His eyes were becoming watery. He blinked fast, trying to get rid of them.

Keifer watches Mackie as he struggles with stopping his tears.

"Please say you can forgive me.." mackie whimpers.

"Keifer..." mackie begs.

Keifer and mackie stood in silence, until keifer spoke up

"Okay." Keifer says,

Mackie waited for keifer to say more,

"I don't-," mackie starts,

"It's fine. I forgive you.. But don't expect our relationship to go back to the way it was." Keifer warns.

"Slow and steady then?" Mackie smiles hopefully.

"Very slow." Keifer responds,

Mackie cries joyfully at his answer, he hugs Keifer as tight as he possibly can..

Keifer hesitated for a bit but wrapped his arms around Mackie.

After a few seconds, Keifer tapped on Mackie's back suggesting for him to let go.

"I love you Poy..." mackie smiles,

"You haven't called me that in a while.." keifer says surprised after hearing the nickname again.

"I know.." mackie replies,

"Okay well I'm going up, if we're done." Keifer says walking away,

"Keifer! I know you love me too, you said it plenty of times last night!" Mackie shouts while keifer goes up the stairs,

Keifer blushes hard, he was so surprised that he stopped taking a step, then continued right after.

"Whatever," Keifer says embarrassed, still blushing.

Mackie smiles widely knowing Keifer still loves him,

He won't lose him again.

He'll make sure of it.


Short chapter

And guys remember to follow me to make sure you get notified when I release a new story.

This story is not done yet, a couple more updates and we will be saying goodbye to this story.


See y'all

Love y'all


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