The agreement

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It's been a week since the boys have announced their decision to take the offer and go to Canada. Their fans had mixed reactions they first hated the news then became supportive. The contract and information about the offer came in a few days after they decided.

The boys were asked to come to the agency to read over the contract and information. they sat around the room as their manager, Stan handed the papers out.

Once they were all seated, Keifer started the meeting reading the 1st page.

" Welcome to the Singer's reality, in this show the contestants will be given several tasks throughout the 2 years and they will approach the performances that would meet those requirements. They will be ranked every month with culminating points. If they fail to follow instructions, points are deducted. There are also points from fellow contestants, be sure to take that into account." Keifer read. 

"There are three main rules are as follows:" Keifer continued,
"1) no drugs or alcohol of any sort."
"2) always follow the curfew, if there's a need to go pass the curfew speak with the house managements"
"3) no romantic interactions."

"Romantic interaction?" Francis questioned almost sarcastically, "what do they think we'll do?" He said as Keifer and Mackie rolled their eyes.

"I'll read the next page" mackie suggested,
"All contestants will be able to stay at their own apartment with a in house help that can be called when needed.." mackie paused, "wait." He said.

Mackie looked up from the paper to Keifer then Francis, "this means we will have our own house???" He screamed, "SICK" he exclaimed.

"Keep going Mack" Keifer said.

"Okay, it says... all contestants are to meet at the main building whenever they are called: the main reasons of why they would be called are:"

"1) to find out the challenges,"
"2) to discuss point evaluations"
"4) there are things that must be discussed with you."

As the boys heard the 4th reason, they gulped, scared of the possibilities.

"Okay boys, I hope you're all packed. Your flight is tomorrow morning." Their manager told them. 

The boys answered with a chorus of 'yes'.

-The next morning -

The boys met at the airport and were saying goodbyes to their families, until an announcement was made for their flight. Once they heard this they said final goodbyes and headed to the gate they were suppose to go into.

"Omg guys." Francis says, "I'm excited !" He squealed.

Keifer and Mackie nodded as they were greeted by the employee at the gate to the plane.

"You can go in, have a safe flight." She said.

The boys head in and sit in first class, they were getting setting themselves up for a long flight from the Philippines to Vancouver, Canada.


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