More revelations

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Narrator POV

"F*ck off" Keifer tells Lucas.

He shakes his head and scoffs, "I'm leaving." He announces and heads out the cabin.

Mackie and Francis watch Keifer leave and they look at each other, they nodded and followed him out. Mackie and Francis grab their sweaters before heading out.

The rest of the group kept silent until the boys left the cabin.

"What was that!?" Francis asked

"I don't know." Mackie shakes his head.

"That... wasn't Keifer.. he never swears.. what he said was.. it was horrible." Francis swallows hard.

"I know." Mackie says, "let's just look for him."

Francis nodded.

They split up and looked around the camp, it got pretty chilly and dark, they were worried about Keifer who was only wearing a T-shirt. Not only that, they had 30 minutes until they needed to meet up for dinner.

Mackie tried calling his phone, with no luck.

"Come on, Keifer.." Mackie whispers.


Francis kept walking around trying to look for Keifer, until he saw a figure standing by himself by the lake..

His hair flowed through the wind and he knew it was his best friend. Before heading over he dialled Mackie's phone number.

"Hello Mack? I found him, come the way I went, he's sitting by the river." He said and hung up.

Francis ran over to Keifer,

"Keif!" Francis called,

Keifer turned around revealing his swollen eyes.

Francis PoV

"Keifer..." I whispered with worry, I rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"Leave me alone Francis." He says through his sobs.

"You know I can't do that.." I say, all my anger at Mackie and Keifer have disappeared. I just wants my best friends to be happy.

"Please tell me what's wrong." I plead.

Keifer looked at me, I had an apologetic smile, Keifer cried harder. Hiding his face with his hands.

"I'm sorry Francis," Keifer chokes out, "so many things happened, my feelings are a mess.. I didn't want to tell anyone because I'm so so tired of everything." Keifer explains, sobbing at every word.

"It's okay, I may have over reacted.. just please tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help." I begged.

"Lucas.. he kissed me. After I rejected him.. he kissed me out of no where." Keifer explains,

"Huh!?" I was shocked. I'm guessing Lucas forced him then..

"Mackie stopped him because he saw, mackie punched Lucas. To stop me from crying Mackie kissed me!" Keifer continued.

"HUH" I shouted, did mackie force Keifer too?

"Did mackie force you?" I asked earnestly.

Keifer shook his head, "no I let him.." keifer whispers.

That news made the corner of my mouth perk up.

"So you like him?" I asked.

"No, yes.. I don't know. I can't like him." He insisted.

"Okay then," I thought that question was too early for him to answer, I'll just start from the beginning, "Did you kiss back?"

My question caused him to look straight at me, "I think I did." He said.

"What do you mean you think?" I asked with genuine confusion.

"I just put my lips on his, and I- .." he stops, he looks at me, it wasn't hard to notice how red he's gotten.

"Keif.. are you sure you don't like him?" I asked him.

"I can't frans! I can't!" He insisted, shaking his head.

"What? Why not!?" I got even more confused.

"Because I have a girlfriend." Keifer says.

"Wha-? Huh?" I was confused, "what girlf-.." someone cut me off.

"What girlfriend?" Keifer and I both turn around, mackie.

"Since when?" Mackie questions.

"You don't need to lie! If you don't like me then it's fine!" Mackie screams.

"I'm not lying!" Keifer screams back, keifer stands up.

"A girlfriend?? Out of no where!?" Mackie shouts, I could tell mackie was confused and mad.

"Mack. Relax." I say standing up,

"I'm not lying Mackie! I have one! And it's not out of nowhere! That's why you and I can't be a thing, no matter how much I-.." Keifer stopped.

"How much what!?" Mackie says through his teeth.

Mackie steps closer to Keifer, they were now face to face, Mackie holds Keifer's face in his hands.

"How much, what? Keifer?" Mackie asks, almost pleading for an answer.

"Mackie, take it slow.." I butt in, Mackie's head snapped my way, I backed off..

Keifer still hasn't answered,

"HOW MUCH WHAT KEIFER!?" Mackie screams, causing Keifer to quiver.

"MACKIE!" I scream, pushing him off Keifer.

"What is wrong with you!" I asked him with anger.

"What's wrong with me? HE is!" Mackie points at Keifer.
"He went on about protecting me, how I was special, not letting anyone hurt me! Guess what Keifer! You're hurting me! From the moment you let me kiss you! I thought we had something, then you ignore me! You're hurting me! What do you want me to do!? I didn't think I would EVER like a guy, much less someone so so close to me. I'm going against what my dad wants! If he found out, he'd disown me but that was okay with me because I thought I'd have you!" Mackie shouts, breathing heavily. He wiped his eyes, trying to stop his tears.

"It was okay, because I thought I'd at least have you..." he repeated but this time calmer.

"You pulled back remember!" Keifer shouted back.

"Wait what!?" I asked confusingly.

"He pulled back right after I let him kiss me!" Keifer informed me.

"I was SURPRISED, SHOCKED! What did you What me to do! Frick, Keifer I realized then that I loved you!" Keifer head snapped up, mackie screamed until his voice cracked.
"I was confused.." mackie said in a low tone.

"Love me?.. you love me?" Keifer asks.

"Yeah. Keifer.. I do." Mackie admits. Keifer's mouth perk up, the slightest bit.

Keifer Sighs And sits where he was standing, "then let me tell you a story." Keifer sniffles, wiping the last of his tears away.

Mackie and I look at each other and sat down in front of Keifer.

"This started about a year ago.." keifer started, fidgeting with his hands.

THATS the end of it for today. !

(Update: I wrote this a lot earlier than I anticipated, LOL I FORGOT IT WAS THURSDAY TODAY ; S/O TO SOMEONE WHO REMINDED ME)

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