Live and Let live

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(Po)- will be used frequently, it is a way to pay respect to elders in the Philippines. All italics will be Tagalog, Keifer's dad will switch from English to Tagalog.

Narrator's POV
"Dad.. come in.." keifer says, making way for his dad.

"Salamat." ("Thank you") his dad replies making his way inside.

"Hello (po) tito (uncle).." mackie and Francis greets.

"Hi," Keifer's dad replies, he looks at Francis and Mackie with stern eyes.

He sits down on the sofa,

Keifer stood by the door, watched his dad sit down,

He was about to close the door before Kim stops it.

"Can I come in?" Kim asks politely.

"No. Not you." Keifer tells her bluntly, which earned a smirk from Mackie and raised eyebrows from Francis.

"But keif-," Kim starts,

"Keifer." His dad intervenes, suggesting to let her in.

"Not her." Keifer says, sternly. Glaring at Kim. His dad sighs.

"Kim. Leave for now." His dad commands.

"But-," Kim starts, again.

"Get lost." Keifer whispers, shutting the door.

"Déjà vu." Francis whispers,

"Francis, mackie. You can leave, this is between keifer and I." Keifer's dad says,

"Yes (Po)," they answer, before they can leave, keifer halts them.

"Stay. Please. I need you guys." Keifer says to them, turns to his dad, "They are part of this. They know me from skin to bone. Even maybe more than I know myself." Keifer says, his dad nods his head in approval.

Once they were all seated, Keifer's dad began.

"Kim told me that you cheated on her." His dad starts, looking at Keifer. Keifer didn't know how much Kim told his dad, but he did know one thing.

He's done lying, about his feelings, mackie, everything.

"Yes I did." Keifer answers, facing his dad with his head held high.

"That's not something you should be proud off, anak. (Son.)" His dad shakes his head, looking at keifer with disappointment.

Keifer hated that look, he has never, ever handled it in the past.

But it's different now.

He knows what he wants.

He knows who he is.

He knows who he loves.

And he learnt how to love himself.

"Sorry. It was wrong. There's no excuse for that." Keifer replied.

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