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Mackie's POV
"What?" I asked Keifer genuinely confused

"I-I don't know. She was just attractive." Keifer says blushing.

"This is too much for one day" I voice out, keifer was about to ask me something but I went upstairs and slammed the door.


Keifer was agitated and confused about why Mackie said what he said and did what he did.

He was still on the ground holding the basket their new neighbour gave him. Whenever he'd look at the basket his face seems to heat up.

"What happened to Mack?" Francis asked walking towards him.

"I don't know, he just stormed off." Keifer answers.

"Ouh! Muffins!" Francis exclaims as he takes to grab one.

Keifer grabs it out of his hand and puts in back into the basket, "you can't eat until we know we're allowed to eat it." He tells Francis.

Francis sulks, "why is everyone taking food away from me today!?" He says as he escapes upstairs.

Keifer was confused about how his friends acted the way they did, he was pretty tired to. Keifer sighed, he left the muffins in the kitchen and made his way into his bedroom.

——————next day ——————-

September 21,2021
An alarm rang that all the boys heard from outside, it was so loud it woke Keifer and Mackie up and made Francis jump out of bed, literally.

They stood up and opened their doors, they see each other one rubbing his eyes, one the back of his head, and the other one his butt.

"What is that?" Mackie asks.

Francis moans in agony, and keifer shrugs.

They made their way downstairs where they found a letter by the door.

Mackie picks up the letter and reads the name on the back, "TNT Boys."

Mackie opens the letter as he reads:

" Everyone is to meet at the main building at 8:00 AM sharp."

"8? What time is it?" Keifer asks

"Um, 7:15!" Francis shouts

"Hurry hurry! We can't be late!" Keifer says running up the stairs.

The boys were ready by 7:45, they had enough time to eat their breakfast as well, they started walking to the main building.

When they got to the building, it seemed like they were last to arrive.

"It said 8:00 am, right?" Francis whispers.

"Yeah." Mackie and keifer said simultaneously.

They found a nearby couch to sit on, as they looked around they saw many people they haven't met yet.

One girl with curly girl, she was about the same height as Francis who was 5'1, maybe even shorter.

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