Believe me, Not her!

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Mackie's POV

"I can't wait until he finally breaks up with her.." I tell Francis.

"She doesn't seem like a nice person like Keifer described her to be." Francis shrugged, "I was guilty for nothing." He whispered, but I heard.

"What do you mean? Why were you guilty?" I asked him confused,

Why would he feel guilty that his two best friends were finally happy.

"Well.. he has a girlfriend. It wasn't right that you guys acted like a couple while he has an official girlfriend." He explains, I was a bit offended that he'd accuse us of cheating.

I was the one Keifer liked first, he's only with her because of me, he only met her BECAUSE OF ME.

"So, you felt guilty because you think the Keifer was cheating on Kim? Does that make me a home-wrecker then?" I asked sarcastically, sounding defensive.

"No! No, that's not what I meant!" Francis frantically explained.

"Just drop it. I don't want to listen to it." I tell him bluntly, I head to my bedroom leaving Francis in the living room.

Narrator's pov

"Keifer," Kim starts, "I like you." She finishes.
Keifer just smiles and nods at her confession.

"Thanks, Kim." Keifer answers.

Keifer and Kim were walking around touring Nelson's garden, Keifer has been trying to talk to Kim about Mackie and ending their relationship.

"About that Kim," keifer began. "I've been wanting to talk to you..." he says rubbing the back of his head.

They both stop in their tracks, Keifer spots a bench,

"We should sit down first." He says, pulling her towards the bench.

"What is it Keif?" Kim asks innocently, "are you okay?" She looked concerned, she put her hand on Keifer's arm.

"Listen Kim." He says, taking her hand and holding it tightly. "You know I care for you.." he says looking at her.

"yes, thank you." She replies.

"This is hard for me to say," he continues,

"Don't tell me.." she begins.

"I'm sor-." He looks sorrily,

"You're beginning to have feeling for me!?" She screams excitedly,

"What? NO NO!" Keifer screams back in horror.

Kim was in awe, she knew he didn't like her but she didn't know he'd deny her that much.

"I see.." she says looking hurt.

"Jeez.. I'm really sorry Kim.. I just love Mackie so so much." He sighs.

"I know.." Kim responds.

"I'm really sorry, but I need to break up with you." Keifer says looking down.

"I understand. I wish you two the best of luck. If you need anything, I'll be here." She smiles weakly.

"Thank you for understanding." Keifer smiles.

"I want to be alone, you can go back first." Kim tells him.

"Okay," keifer smiles.

After Keifer leaves, Kim sits on the bench with no emotions.

A couple hours later, back in the house.

"Hey, Kim. Where's Keifer?" Mackie asks going up the stairs.

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