Us against the world

299 5 15

Francis' POV

Keifer got drunk. Mackie couldn't care less well he's trying not to.

What is happening..

Narrator's POV

Francis was sitting in his bedroom, sorting out the many problems him and his friends have.

Mackie was in his bedroom scrolling through his phone, trying hard not to think about Keifer.

Keifer was in his room, asleep recovering from a hangover.

After thinking about it Francis let out a sigh of frustration.

And walked out into the hallway, towards Mackie's room.

He didn't knock, or announce he was coming in. He just barged in, "mackie. Get up." He commanded.

Mackie, recovering from the heart attack he just got from Francis barging in, reacted with a confused yet bewildered face.

"What!?" He replied.

"Get up right now." Francis told him again.

"Who do you-," mackie started,

"RIGHT NOW!" Francis screamed, interrupting him.

"Jeez fine." Mackie shakes his hEad, getting up from his bed, ever so slowly.

"Hurry up!" Francis yelled irately.

Francis gestured for Mackie to walk into the hallway,

Mackie just raised his eyebrows at his younger friend.

Francis got annoyed and stomped his feet.

Mackie rolled his eyes, sighed and walked forward.

Francis following close after.

Francis led Mackie into Keifer's room,

"What are we doing here?" Mackie whispers,

"Wake him up." Francis says,

Mackie didn't move.

Francis sighed in frustration.

He slammed the door closed,

Causing Keifer to wake up suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Keifer asks rubbing his eyes, sitting up on his bed half naked without a shirt.

Mackie blushed slightly, then looked away.

Francis daw his reaction and went into Keifer's closet and grabbed a shirt, he threw the shirt at Keifer's face,

"Put that on, so everyone can focus." He says.

"Gosh, Francis!" Keifer exclaimed, putting the shirt on.

Mackie sighs in relief quietly.

"Get up!" Francis commands Keifer.

"Why?" Keifer whines.

"We need to talk." Francis replies.

"Later!" Keifer says about to lay back down.

Francis then grabs a pillow and hits Keifer with it.

Keifer suddenly sits up and glares at Francis.

Keifer leaves his blankets and sit on the side of his bed.

"What is it!?" Keifer asks, annoyed.

Francis walks towards the door and locks it.

"We're having a intervention." Francis says Turning around to face them, receiving raised eyebrows from both Mackie, and Keifer.


Love y'all

See y'all


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