The Girlfriend arrives.

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Francis' POV

It's been 2 days after the boot camp, we sang, dance, played.. All but Lucas. I don't know how long he's going to keep being petty about being rejected by Keifer. Mackie and Keifer have been getting along lately.. too well, in fact.

People in the group noticed it, Selina asked me about them and I explained it to her. She didn't seem too happy though. After I told her she scoffed and walked away.

I'm waiting around in the living room for the letter of our next challenge, Keifer and Mackie were upstairs flirting or something. Keifer still has a girlfriend so they can't be getting too close or else that'd be cheating.. Maybe it's already cheating... I want to support them as long as they're happy, but sometimes I feel guilty because I know this 'Kim' exists.

I was in deep thought until the doorbell rang,

I opened the door expecting one of the other contestants.

But nope.

I see a slim girl, with black short hair, almost as tall as I am.

"Hello! You must be Francis." She expresses as she reaches her hand out for me to shake.

I take her hand and shake it slowly..

"I, yeah I am.. who are you?" I asked confused.

"Francis!!! Is that the new challenge??" Keifer shouts with giggles here and there.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. It was both, mackie and Keifer coming down. Keifer was on Mackie's back. They didn't notice the girl in the doorway until they were off the stairs.

"Hey Frans!" Mackie says, "who is that?" He finished. I shrug,

Keifer then looked at the girl in the doorway with the happiest expression and after a few seconds of laying eyes on her, his expression dropped.

He came down from Mackie's back and walked forward to the girl.

He gulped, "Kim... what are you doing here?"

Mackie looked at Keifer then the girl,

I look at Keifer, then Mackie, then the girl..

Keifer looked from the girl to Mackie..

The girl looked from Keifer to Mackie then back to Keifer and smiled.

"I missed you, that's why." She smiled,

SLAM. the door slammed close.

"FRANCIS!" Keifer shouted.

"Why'd you shut the door!?" Mackie asked frantically.

"I panicked! No one expected the Girlfriend to arrive!" I shouted back.

"SHH SHH SHH" Keifer said calmly, once again opened the door.

"Hey.. Kim." He said awkwardly.

"Hello, love" Kim says going in for a hug, which  Keifer returned.

Kim looked at Mackie and smiled innocently as she shared a hug with Keifer.

Mackie returned her a fake smile that dropped the second Kim kisses Keifer's cheek. Francis noticed Mackie's murderous aura and intervened.

"Oh Kay.... sorry to ask but where are you staying?" I ask as Keifer pulls away from Kim.

"Here!" She said happily.

"WHAT!?" Keifer and Mackie said simultaneously. Keifer and Mackie looked at each other in worry.

"They mean what do you mean?" I clarified.

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