Well.. I'm here.

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Narrator's POV
Keifer ran and ran, until he got outside. He hasn't stopped crying since running out of Mackie's room.

He couldn't believe Mackie said what he said without even batting an eyelash.

Keifer stood outside of the hospital doors, breathing heavily, trying to make sense of what just happened.

He knew he messed up big, but he always had Hope it'll turn out fine in the end.. fine isn't this. Fine is with Mackie, but he didn't even have him anymore.

Keifer couldn't stop sobbing.

He dropped down by the wall and put his head down.

He didn't care if people saw him, he didn't care about anything but Mackie, he wanted Mackie.

Mackie... well Mackie said he didn't want him anymore.

"What are you doing, idiot"

Keifer wipes his tears off of his face, well he tried.

He looks up to see Lucas standing in front of him.

"Come on. Get up." He says.

Keifer glares at him, and puts his head back down.

"Leave me alone." Keifer says.

"Let's go. You can't stay out here. Go inside or go back home." Lucas says.

"Lucas, I hate you, and I'm not in the mood for anything you say or do right now. So leave me be!" Keifer says through his teeth.

"You're hurting right? This time.. was I the one who hurt you?" Lucas asks stretching his hand out towards Keifer.

Keifer looks up at Lucas, eyes swollen, red and still crying.

"Well?" Lucas insisted.

Keifer shook his head, "no you weren't."

"Then? I can make you forget... come over and let's get you wasted. You'll forget in no time." Lucas suggested.

Keifer hesitated, but took his hand in the end.

"Fine." Keifer stood up, and walked away from the hospital.

"Don't worry, Keif. I'll always be here for you. Always." Lucas says,

Keifer didn't reply but snatched his hand away from Lucas.

"Feisty." Lucas laughed.

Short update, I'll prolly update tmrw again, short and long on Tuesday!!!?

Anyway I'm at work!

See y'all

Love y'all


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