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AN: I was invited by monicacantwrite to play this game with Dr-Cokebottles Meggyhashope JVH624 Zazounette86 Daphnecs8. - hope I didn't miss anyone out! I'm a bit late to the table so here's the first instalment from me. The title of each part is the given prompt. Slightly mature content (but fluffy I hope!)
Daoming Si was kissing his wife passionately, and she was returning his kisses with equal fervour. "Shancai," he murmured against her mouth, "do you know how beautiful you are?"
"You woke me up just to tell me that?" she giggled at him. "No, I woke you up to do this..." his lips left her mouth and began to trail kisses down to her neck, her collarbone until he reached the valley of her breasts. He loved her breast with his mouth while his hand gently caressed her other breast. Shancai's soft moans were the only thing that could be heard in the stillness of the night, until a piercing cry broke the silence.

Si groaned in needy frustration, while Shancai peppered small kisses on his temple. "I have to go, love, get up." He reluctantly climbed off her, complaining, "I need to take a cold shower now." Shancai just laughed as she pulled on her robe.

Si came out from the shower, still feeling a little cranky. Shancai hardly ever had time for him these days. Walking into the bedroom, he caught sight of what, on any other given day, would have been his favourite sight in the whole world. Shancai sat serenely on their bed, nursing their infant son. He went over to them, pouting. "At least you're luckier than me today," he told the baby. "That was in my mouth too earlier, but not for long enough," he glanced pointedly at Shancai. "Daoming Si!" His wife gave him a smack on his arm. "Don't tell me you're jealous of your own son!" "Oww," he rubbed his arm. "I'm not jealous, I'm just saying..."

But the truth was, he did feel a little jealous, even though he hated to admit it. The little one had taken up most, if not all, of Shancai's time and attention. It was not unusual of him to feel jealous, as he had been so many times before, but he never imagined that he could feel jealous of his own son. Suddenly overcome with remorse, he put his arm around the both of them. The baby was already half-asleep, milk-drunk, and Shancai was close to dozing off herself. "Here, let me take him, you go back to sleep," he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Shancai looked at him gratefully and passed the sleeping infant to him.

Si gently cradled his son in his arms and looked into his peaceful sleeping face. All of a sudden, any pangs of jealousy which he had felt earlier immediately disappeared. He whispered softly to him as he rocked him, "When you're bigger, I will teach you to shoot hoops, you're going to be a basketball MVP. And you and me, we will always love and protect your mama together, ok?" The baby smiled in his sleep, and Si's heart melted. How could he possibly be jealous of someone who completely owned his heart and soul, and Shancai's too. He finally lay the baby down in his cot, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.

Si found Shancai still awake when he got back to their room. "You're still up?" he asked her. Shancai smiled mischievously at him, "I think we still have some unfinished business." Si chuckled as he undressed and got into bed. "Are these mine for the rest of the night?" he asked as he nuzzled his face into her breasts. Shancai lifted up his face and caught his lips in a searing kiss. "Yes," she murmured, "until the baby wakes up!"

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