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AN: For Rosmiwrites who inspired me to listen to music before writing a story. I heard this song "Written In The Stars" by John Legend and WENDY and it was the perfect song 💗

And to my lovely prompt writers, here's another fluffy one for you! lindaisfangirling Zazounette86 evfabricando Dr-Cokebottles Meggyhashope JVH624 monicacantwrite Daphnecs8

PS: I'm writing this at past midnight so please pardon any shortcomings!
Shancai blushed as she went about the kitchen, fixing breakfast for herself and Daoming Si, thinking about the previous night.

Daoming Si, she thought dreamily to herself. Her fiancé, her lover, her best friend. She loved how he cared so much for her, such a far cry from the selfish, arrogant jerk that she had first met. And he was such a gentle and considerate lover too. She loved how he was a "cuddler", gently hugging her close to him every single time, once they were both satiated and spent. She loved his warm breath on the back of her neck, the way she felt safe and loved in his embrace, and even his gentle snores as he gradually fell asleep with her in his arms.

She smiled as she remembered their time on the beach, stranded on the island, with only each other for support and survival. They had lived in total abandon then, only immersed in each other, not caring if they ever made their way back to civilisation as they were so grateful to have found their way back to one another.

It was a clear night, and the stars lit up the sky, twinkling in the darkness. Two solitary lovers sat on the beach, looking up to the constellations.

Daoming Si turned to the love of his life, who was cuddled up against him, her head on his chest, while he gently stroked her hair.

"Shancai, look at the stars. Do you think, if we never make it back home, that you would be happy living here with me day after day, watching the stars night after night?"

She looked up at him with so much love in her eyes as she reached to touch his cheek.

"Daoming Si, I would follow you to the ends of the earth, to the moon and back, so long as we can be together."

Grateful tears glistened in his eyes as he bent down to kiss her, gently at first, but their kiss slowly became more heated, more passionate as they lost themselves in each other. And as they made love for their first time that night, underneath the stars, they both knew that in this life, and in every life thereafter, they could not be torn apart.

Shancai's eyes began to water at the beautiful memory, when she suddenly felt two strong hands from behind wrap around her waist and gentle kisses being trailed at the back of her neck. She turned around to face him and he could see the tears pooling in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Shancai my love, why are you crying?" Si asked her, alarmed at the sight of her tears which were now freely flowing from her eyes.

"It's no..thing.." she blubbered, "These are happy tears, tears of joy," she blinked her tears away as she smiled at him. "I'm just thinking of all we went through and I'm so happy that we can finally be together. It just made me so emotional, that's all."

Si breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled her into his arms. Shancai leaned against him, her heart filled with happiness. "I love your cuddles the best," she murmured against his chest.

"I was also thinking..about..about..that first time on the beach," she blushed. Si pulled away slightly and looked at her red face. He grinned mischievously at her. "So it's not just my cuddles which you love?"

"Daoming Si! Stop putting words in my mouth!"

"So you would rather I put something else in your mouth?" he smiled wickedly at her.

"Aargh, stop it!" She covered her face with both her hands.

"Okay, okay," he laughed, pulling her back into his arms.

Later that evening, Si dragged Shancai from the living room, where she was reading a book, to the balcony of the house.

"Ah Si, where are you taking me?" she tried to protest in vain, but to no avail. Reaching the balcony, she felt a sense of deja vu as she noticed a telescope set up in one corner of the balcony.

Si beamed at her. "Guess what? We have a chance to watch a meteor shower again tonight!"

She clapped her hands in delight, they had not seen a meteor shower since the last time, on this very same balcony. She gently fingered the meteor necklace which hung around her neck, smiling at the recollection.

Just as before, they were both in awe of the sight that lay before them through the eyes of the telescope, and wished that they could spend the whole night watching the raining meteors, like thousands of diamonds falling from the sky, as Shancai had described it all that time ago.

As she did before, Shancai wished under her breath again, "How nice if I can see this everyday!"

Si looked at her and smiled affectionately. His Shancai really did not change, even though some years had passed since the last time they watched a meteor shower together.

"You want to see it everyday? Make a wish and maybe it will come true!" he chuckled at her.

"Ah Si, you are being so cheesy again. The last time you said that, you gave me a meteor necklace. So should I be expecting meteor earrings this time?" she teased him.

Si took her hand gently and led her away from the balcony and back into the house, making his way to their bedroom.

"What's going on?" a puzzled Shancai asked him.

"Shhh.. follow me," he told her with a smile.

As they entered the bedroom, it was dark.

"Shancai, look up."

She looked up and gave a gasp. Hundreds of stars adorned the ceiling, twinkling and glowing in the darkness, giving the bedroom an ethereal feel.

"You mentioned that time on the beach earlier today, so I had this idea to re-create that, and also to fulfil your wish of being able to see the stars every night," he smiled at her shyly. "I wish I could do meteors for you, but this is the best that I could..." He had no opportunity to finish his sentence as Shancai pressed her lips onto his, kissing him senseless. He groaned as he crushed her against him, pulling her towards the bed. Their need and desire for each other were fervent, as they tumbled onto the bed, lips still locked, hands tangled in each other's hair, limbs entwined.

Once again as their love unravelled, the blanket of stars twinkled above them, just like on that starry beach, where the two young lovers lost themselves in their passion, their hands, lips, bodies and hearts only for each other.

And when it was over, they cuddled up in each other's arms and fell asleep, dreaming of twinkling skies and moonlit nights, starry constellations and meteor showers.

You can go anywhere, babe, wherever you want
Because I know we're written in the stars
You can go any which way, don't matter how far
Because I know we're written in the stars
No question that we're written in the stars

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