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A/N: Yesterday morning, I woke up to a photo sent to me by Asian_fangirl7 with the caption "When worlds collide - Daoming Si meets Tong Nian" and it triggered (no pun intended) me to write this, along with many many encouraging words from JVH624 and Dr-Cokebottles .

This is a somewhat "sequel" to the chapter "Lock, Stock & Barrel", also in this book, so do read that first before reading this, if you haven't already done so 😉

This is the last of the prompts which is "Fear" from the second list, so I'm done! 😁

Daoming Si was in a great dilemma. He was at his wits' end and he didn't like it, not one tiny bit.

How could he be away from her for three whole months? It was unthinkable.

And yet, he had to let her go. It was Shancai's future and she had dreamed of this moment for so long.

Shancai had been selected to undergo a fully-sponsored three-month training programme in Switzerland as part of her nutrition degree. It would be pointless to go with her as she would be having a packed itinerary, with hardly any time to spend with him. It made more sense for him to stay behind.

And yet, he didn't think he could bear coming home to an empty house, and empty bed, day in and day out, night in and night out, for three whole months.

He did have one option though. But he didn't know if Shancai would agree to it.

He was roused out of his deep thoughts by two soft arms encircling his neck from behind. He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, trying to ingrain it into his memory.

"Why the long face, Ah Si my love?" she chuckled as she came up front to face him.

He pulled her into his arms and held her tight, breathing in the scent of her hair.

After some time, he pulled away slightly, but kept her close, gently stroking her back.

"I don't know how I can go without seeing you, or holding you, for three whole months," he whispered hoarsely.

"Me either," came her reply in a small voice as she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist.

"Shancai, I have something to ask you," he said quietly, kissing the top of her head.

She drew back from him, looking at him questioningly.

Si took a deep breath.

"Well, you know how we've kept in touch with Gun and Tong Nian ever since we got back from London?"

"Yes, of course, they're such a great couple!" Shancai replied, but wondering what the Han couple had to do with anything.

"Well, on one of those occasions, Gun told me that I would be welcome back to K&K at anytime, if I ever wanted to. And since you will be away for three months, and I couldn't bear to sleep alone for three whole months, I thought I may take this time to stay over at the K&K clubhouse, and brush up my skills. The Daoming group doesn't need me at the moment, since there's no major project going on, and my management team can handle everything just fine. I'm due for a sabbatical anyway since I've not had a proper break for all these years, so now seems to be an appropriate time."

He paused as he looked at Shancai, trying to gauge her reaction.

He became worried as she was silent for a few seconds. But then she suddenly exclaimed, "Ah Si! That's a fantastic idea! And I can attend my training in peace, knowing that you will be occupied and not missing me! I know Gun and Nian Nian will take good care of you," she smiled at him as she clapped her hands happily .

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