Forgiveness I

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AN: This is a story initially published on my "Glimpses" collection entitled "The Wedding" and it was also my submission for DramaLindy 's wedding fanfic festival happening now on her IG account @everyoutfitonmeteorgarden2018. Do go and check it out, so many wrongs needed to be made right for that wedding!

However, there will be a part 2 to this story published here entitled Forgiveness II (JVH624 Dr-Cokebottles I'm not cheating 😆) so read this first (if you haven't already) before the next part.
Dong Shancai sat in her dressing room with a dreamy expression on her face. Today she was finally marrying the love of her life. Her maid-of-honour, Xiaoyou, fussed around her like a mother hen over her chick, as did her own mother, Mama Dong.

Qinghe, in a baby blue and pink suit, whined at them. "Why do I have to be a bridesmaid too? Aren't Xiaoyou and Lizhen enough?" "Hush!" Shancai giggled at him. "I would ask Jing but she is away and you are the next best choice. Your outfit already screams "bridesmaid"! Anyway, Daoming Si has 3 best men, so I need 3 bridesmaids too!" Qinghe huffed, rolling his eyes.

Outside the dressing room, they heard a sudden commotion. "Where's my lovely bride?" "Daoming Si!" Xiaoyou shrieked and shooed him away. "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" Meizuo popped his head around the door. "Wow, Shancai, you look great!" "You're killing me, bro!" they heard Si say, before all 4 boys left to go back to their own dressing room. Another head then popped around the door. "Can I come in?" "Pa!" exclaimed Shancai, getting up to hug her father.

Shancai's parents looked at their only daughter and Papa Dong's eyes started to water. He felt a pang of regret marrying his daughter off so early, but he had no regrets in handing her to Daoming Si. "Aww, Pa, don't look at me like that, you're going to make me cry and my makeup will get smudged!", Shancai could feel the tears forming at the back of her eyes. She enveloped both her parents in a hug. "Even though I am getting married today, I will still forever be your loving daughter. Thank you for everything you've done and I love you both so much."

Papa Dong wiped his eyes and he held out his hand to her. "It's time."

Si could hardly contain his impatience while waiting for Shancai at the altar. When she appeared on her father's arm slowly walking down the aisle, he gave a gasp. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked in her bridal glow and in the dress which Mrs Yu had lovingly stitched by hand for her.

"Shut your mouth, Ah Si, you look like a goldfish," Lei said, nudging his elbow. "Isn't she beautiful?" Si breathed. Shancai and her father reached where Si was standing and he handed her over to him. "Take good care of her, son, she's yours now."

It was a beautiful day for a wedding. Shancai thought that she couldn't be happier, except for a small thorn in her side, and that thorn was Daoming Feng. Her future mother-in-law had not been opposed to their wedding, but she gave Shancai the impression that she would only be a guest, and nothing more. Although Feng no long harboured any ill-intentions towards her, Shancai could not shake off the feeling that she would never be fully welcome into the Daoming household. But standing in front of Si, looking at her with so much love in his eyes, her worries soon dissipated.

Si clasped both of her hands in his and they said their vows to each other.

"Dong Shancai, many moons ago I told you that you are my life. I also told you that even if you ran to Mars, I would chase after you. And today you have made me the happiest man in the world, my beautiful bride. I love you so much, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Daoming Si, I told you that I didn't want to wait until the next lifetime for us to be together. And I'm so glad that I listened to my heart. I love you with all that I am, now and always."

When they had finished, there wasn't a dry eye in the room, including their own.

Finally the words that everyone wanted to hear were spoken. "I officially pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Si couldn't lift Shancai's veil fast enough to capture her lips in a swooping kiss, one hand on her waist and the other on the nape of her neck, much to the delighted squeals and whistles of those watching. Si finally pulled away and murmured in the ear of his blushing bride, "We'll continue this tonight," causing her to blush even harder.

The reception which followed was a merry affair. Shancai saw her mother-in-law sitting alone in the corner of the room and she decided to approach her to break the ice. "It's now or never," she thought. She approached Feng hesitantly. "Ma," she called her, as was customary since she was now married to Si. Feng looked up and saw her new daughter-in-law. "Ma, I'm glad you made the time to come today. We really appreciate it." Feng was silent for a moment before she got up from her seat and embraced Shancai in a tight hug. Shancai was stunned at first but she slowly reciprocated the hug.

"Daughter, can you ever forgive me?" she whispered. "I have wanted to do this for some time now but my pride was getting in the way." She rummaged in her bag and took out a small box. "My mother gave this to me when I married Si's dad, and now I want you to have it." Shancai opened the box and inside it was a beautiful diamond bracelet. "Thank you," she said in a trembling voice. "You don't know how much this means to me."

Si watched his mother and the future mother of his children embrace and smile at each other through their tears. His heart was full. The happiest day of his life was now complete.

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