Up the Wall

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Daoming Si had Shancai up against the wall.

Not in the way that he would have liked, however.

He was driving her up the wall, and she was going crazy.

He was hovering over her shoulder the entire time.

"No, you can't pack that!" he looked at her, horrified.

Shancai had had enough. She stood up, her hands on her hips.


She then spoke in a calm, even, tone, which Si swore could sometimes be more scary than when she was yelling at him.

"We. Are going to the beach. If I can't wear shorts, a bikini, a swimsuit, tank tops, what do you expect me to wear??"

She gave him a glare that would have melted him to the ground if it could.

He tried to reason with her.

"Shancai, love, I just don't want you to be too exposed. I mean, I know what men are like. I've been on vacation with Ximen and Meizuo often enough to know how they ogle at pretty, sexy women in skimpy clothing. I don't want other men looking at my wife that way! Although," he hastily added, "Ximen doesn't do it anymore", remembering the cute, petite girl with the pixie haircut who was his wife's best friend.

She snapped back at him. "Shanghai is freezing and I've been wrapped up in so many layers for so long now! I just want to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin! And I can't do that if you still insist I bundle up like a burrito! And in any case, the clothes I have are not at all revealing!"

There was a silence as both of them stopped speaking to catch their breath. Even in the midst of their heated conversation, Si could not help thinking how beautiful his wife was when she was angry. Her eyes sparked and glittered with outrage, her cheeks were flushed pink in exasperation, her cute little nostrils flared with annoyance, and her lips pouted at him in a most provoking way.

So alluring, he thought as he tried to suppress a laugh. It would not be good for him if he burst out into chuckles now, even though he so badly wanted to. Even more badly, he wanted to kiss those pretty pouty little lips senseless, but he had to control himself.

So he tried to reason with her again.

"Maybe not the bikini?"

She stood there silently for a while. And then she let out a loud sigh.

"But it's new. I bought it specially for this trip. And now you won't let me wear it," she told him in a small voice.

"Come here, Shancai," he beckoned to her, pulling her on to his lap.

"Tell me why wearing this bikini is so important to you?"

She sighed again as she nestled comfortably in his lap. "I was never confident about myself when I was younger, that I was pretty enough, or smart enough, or worthy enough. But you helped me change that. I now feel confident enough to wear something like that in public."

Si fell silent as he listened to her speak. He knew how badly she wanted to wear it, but he had never been able to fully rid himself of the jealousy that always consumed him when it came to her, even though she was his and he was hers for their entire lifetimes. He had never thought that she was anything less than perfect, anyway.

But he knew he had to strike a compromise. He did not possess her and she should be free to express herself, even when it came to what she wanted to wear.

"Okay," he said simply, earning himself a wide-eyed stare from his wife sitting in his lap.

"Okay? What does that even mean?"

"Okay, you can wear it if you want to. But.."

"I knew it! There's always a But!"

Si chuckled. "But - please don't cause any heart attacks when you're out there."

"That's your condition?"

"Of course," he said, kissing her gently on her nose. "I don't want to be responsible for those poor men's weak hearts."

"You think too highly of me, Ah Si," her eyes sparkled.

"I have never thought that you were anything less. You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and don't think I am only saying that because I am your husband."

He pulled her up as he spoke and turned her around to face the full-length mirror in their bedroom.

"Do you see what I see?"

Shancai peered into the mirror while Si continued speaking.

"I see a beautiful woman, inside and out. She has flawless skin, chocolate pool eyes that search deep into your soul, dark hair like the midnight sky, delectable moles on her face and plump, lush, lips."

"Look down further," he said as his hands began to trail down her body. Shancai's eyes followed his movements.

"Defined collarbones, perfect curves, slim waist," his hands brushed against the sides of her breasts, causing her to give a slight gasp.

Still further, his hands roamed down her hips to her thighs. Shancai stifled a moan. She caught his hands before they continued their onslaught and turned around to face him.

"Okay, I get it," she whispered.

He smiled down at her. "And best of all, not only are you beautiful on the outside, you're beautiful on the inside and you radiate warmth from within. I have never known a more loving, kind, and generous soul. Even though Shanghai is freezing, I have never felt the cold. Because I know who keeps me warm at home."

Shancai gazed up at her husband lovingly.

"Thank you Ah Si, I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"I love you more."

"No, I love you more."

"Let's not have this argument again. Shut up and kiss me."

He willingly obliged, his mouth seeking hers in a slow and sensual kiss.

"I wouldn't worry about that bikini if I were you. Some things, are meant for your eyes only," Shancai murmured against his lips, sending a delicious tingle down his spine.

Now she was up against the wall, exactly the way he liked it, exactly the way they both liked it 😉

A/N: Just a short one as I had the first few lines in my head so I thought of making it into something. This is the second last prompt in the second list which is "Warmth". One more and I'm done! 😁

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