Fxcking Romance

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AN: I admit this was a tough one to write, hence that's why I probably procrastinated a bit on it. Hope I did it justice monicacantwrite JVH624 Dr-Cokebottles Meggyhashope Daphnecs8 lindaisfangirling Zazounette86 evfabricando
Daoming Si paced the living room of his London manor, his mind in a whirl. What was it that Lei had said to him? That Shancai liked him?? That sonofabitch, he swore under his breath. He couldn't have picked a better time to tell him that, instead of right before he was to board a fricking plane?? Was he lying to me, though? But Si had never known his best friend to be anything but truthful, despite his conniving ways.

He had tried to get off the plane subsequently, but his Jie had karate-chopped him into a stupor and by the time he came to, the flight had already taken off for a few hundred miles. Now, barely in London for 24 hours, his whole being screamed to be back in Shanghai. He just needed to know for sure if what Lei said was the truth!

He couldn't stand it anymore, he had to speak to her. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time. Perfect, she would be at work. He quickly dialled the number of the restaurant that she was working at. At the first "hello", his tongue suddenly froze. He stammered out something about speaking to Dong Shancai and it was her father calling. At the call-waiting ringtone, he wanted to facepalm himself. After waiting for about a minute, he heard it then, her voice. Although she was only saying "hello", it felt like the most beautiful melody to his ears. He said nothing more but quickly hung up and booked the next flight back to Shanghai.
Si stormed off the plane and out of the airport, determined to find Shancai, jet lag be damned, he thought. He made his way to the restaurant, hoping to catch her there, even though it was near to closing time. About a block away, he asked the driver to stop and let him off, he wanted to catch a glimpse of her first before he began his grand speech. He walked briskly towards the restaurant and then he saw her, he saw them. She was with that weasly chef, the one that he knew had the hots for her. His face was grim as he saw them lock up the restaurant and walk off together down the street.

Against his better judgment, he decided to follow them, his blood boiling in his veins. The chef's name was Tian Ye, and every time he heard Shancai call his name, oh so sweetly, it felt like a slap in his face or worse, like a knife through his heart. They stopped at a florist stand, where Tian Ye bought a single rose and gave it to a blushing Shancai. He then draped a casual arm around her shoulders as they continued their walk. Si was raging inwardly at this point. That stupid girl is giggling like an idiotic schoolgirl!! Is this what she thinks is romance?? I'll show her what is fxcking romance! I'll make her heart sing and her body tingle in ways that she never knew!!

He continued to follow them as they entered a nearby restaurant, ducking in behind them and settling himself in a corner, hiding his face with the menu. He saw Shancai and Tian Ye in animated conversation, eating and laughing easily with each other. When his food arrived, he couldn't even differentiate the steam rising from the food from the steam coming out of his ears. He was so engrossed in his rage that he didn't notice them leaving the restaurant. When he finally looked in their direction, they were gone. He cursed under his breath as he quickly threw some change on the table and hurried out of the restaurant, trying to catch a glimpse of them.

Si looked everywhere but they were nowhere to be seen. His rage had now simmered down to a point of dejection and he decided to just go home. She probably likes Tian Ye, anyway. He walked sadly towards home, bemoaning his luck, when suddenly he felt someone pull his arm and drag him into a dark alley.

What the hell?? As if his day could not get any worse, now he was being robbed?? He closed his eyes and shouted at the would-be robber, raising both his hands in surrender. "Take all my money, just don't hurt me!"

"Daoming Si!" he felt a sharp slap on his arm. He blearily opened his eyes and found himself looking into those big brown doe eyes that haunted him in his sleep.

"Why are you following me?" Shancai's big eyes had narrowed into slits, looking at him suspiciously. "And why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in London?"

He didn't know why, but she always, always riled him up. "So what? I decided to come back! I miss my friends, my home, my school, what's it to you?"

"Why are you following me?" she asked him again. He gulped and awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck. How could he explain it to her without acting like a creepy stalker? But he didn't have to say anything as she took one step closer to him and touched her palm to the front of his shirt. He felt like a jolt of electricity had run through him when her fingers trailed the outline of his chest over his shirt.

"You missed your friends, your home, or you missed me?" Shancai whispered in his ear. Si felt his self-restraint begin to crack as he felt her warm breath against his face and her fingers running up and down his chest. With a groan, he pulled her to him and crushed his lips on hers, his tongue slipping inside her mouth, kissing her passionately, kissing her wildly. She returned his kisses fervently, her hands now wrapped around his neck, pulling him even closer to her.

As they kissed and embraced, a light rain began to fall and they broke apart, laughing as they caught their breath. "I missed you so much," he whispered into her hair, hugging her to him. "I missed you too, Daoming Si," came her muffled voice against his chest, wrapping her small arms around his waist. "How romantic is this, kissing in the rain?" he teased her. "Better than your date earlier?" She did not answer him but lifted her face to him again, catching his lips in a searing kiss, as the raindrops fell around them. Now THIS is what I call fxcking romance, Si grinned to himself. Lei was right. He was so glad he came back.

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