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This is another prompt on the list - "Wonder".

I've watched a number of k-dramas during this lockdown and I absolutely love the soundtrack from "Goblin". I had a look at the lyrics translation for this song "You are so beautiful" and thought it was quite apt for this part which I'm about to write haha. So do read and play the song ☺️

I'm also finishing this at past midnight so please forgive my rambling in this story!
Dong Shancai was counting her unlucky stars. Of all the girls in school (and there were probably thousands!), THE Daoming Si had to pick on her. Her, who in her mind, was not as pretty, as talented or as smart as probably half the girls there.

She wriggled uncomfortably in the short, tight dress and high heels which they had put on her upon her arrival at the Daoming mansion. Why oh why did she even let herself be brought here in the first place? Surely she could have put up more of a fight?

She had screamed blue murder while they had primped and preened her to meet their young master, but it was too late by then.

Now she walked the esteemed halls of this very large house, behind the kindly-looking Mr Liu, who she was sure had borne the brunt of his young master's tantrums. As she walked she wondered what it was like to live in such a big home. She had only known not more than 800 square feet of living space all her life.

She wondered how many people it took to clean a house of that size.

She wondered how many WiFi routers the house needed to stay connected.

She wondered if you would need to shout at each other across the dining table.

She wondered many other things but shook herself out of her wonderment. You will never live like this, Dong Shancai, so stop wondering!

She stopped at looked at herself in a hallway mirror. Besides the dress which flattered her every curve, her hair was done upwards in a half-knot and she also had make-up on. Annoyingly though, she did quite like what she saw. It was a total contrast from the unshapely sweaters, jeans and sneakers that were her wardrobe staples.

I wonder what Daoming Si will say when he sees me dressed like this?

She mentally smacked herself almost immediately as the thought crossed her mind.

Who cares what he will say! Hmph! 😤

Mr Liu led her to a large beautifully decorated living room, and politely informed her to wait there until Daoming Si arrived.

"What does he want?" she asked Mr Liu.

"Don't worry Ms Dong," the kindly old man told her with a reassuring smile. Daoming Si is a very nice young man, he won't do you any harm."

Shancai only snorted in reply as Mr Liu left the room. She looked around the elaborate space, one wall filled with a bookshelf that reached the ceiling. Her eyes fell on a photograph which had four little boys in its frame.

This must be the F4 when they were young. Huaze Lei was cute even back then! Unbeknown to her, she had articulated her thoughts out loud.

"Ahem!" came an annoyed sound behind her. She dropped the photo frame like a hot brick and turned to see Daoming Si, in all his prickly pineapple glory.

"Do you like Huaze Lei?" he asked her, as he sat down, his eyes staring at her with a burning gaze, as fiery as the fireplace behind him.

"You are not allowed to like Huaze Lei," he told her loftily.

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