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AN: This is for the prompt "Regret", triggered by hearing this song today.

Tagging Dr-Cokebottles Meggyhashope monicacantwrite Daphnecs8 Zazounette86 and my dear JVH624 who I hope will continue to play with us.

Pictures taken from the Instagram accounts of DramaLindy (@everyoutfitonmeteorgarden2018) and lindaisfangirling
Lindy, this story was inspired by #SiWaterAllegory☔️💧
Shancai looked gloomily out of the window. It was her first major fight with Daoming Si ever since they got married. All because she decided that she wanted to continue working while finishing her degree, was that so bad? Just because her husband was Daoming Si, it didn't mean that she could use his money anyway how. But that wasn't the worst of it.

Then she had dropped her bomb. She didn't want children. Not until at least 5 years after she had graduated. She wanted to build her career as a nutritionist, and she was afraid that children would be a hindrance to her goals and dreams.

Her husband had looked at her, shell-shocked as she shifted uncomfortably under his dark, steely gaze.

"Shancai, you had never told me about this," Si took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. "I understand that you want to finish your degree, but you expect me to wait another 5 years after that? Why is it always 5 years with you? Or is this just lip-service and you don't ever want to have my children, at all?"

His self-control was cracking and he knew that his words were hurtful, but he didn't care at this point. All he wanted was for Shancai to allow him to take care of her, to cherish her, for her to be the queen of his kingdom, was that too much to ask? She knew he had always wanted children, always loved having kids around him. So this came as a big blow to him. She could have babies and also a career, he could hire a dozen nannies if she needed it! Why did she have to be so difficult?!

Shancai's lips had quivered and her eyes had watered at his harsh words, but she willed herself not to cry. She also knew better that to argue with her husband when he was in this state. He glowered angrily at her, ignoring the pools that had formed in her beautiful brown eyes. He then stalked out of their room, leaving Shancai to sob into her pillow.

As she gazed miserably outside the window, it began to drizzle, a gentle pitter-patter against the window pane. It slowly built up to a steady downpour, and the sky became overcast with dark clouds. Shancai heaved a sigh. The universe always knew when the two of them were miserable by showering them with rain. It had been proven, time and again.

The First Date

********************************************The First Date

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