Forgiveness II

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AN: Slightly mature content . Meggyhashope I don't know if this counts as crossing the border, but I'm taking a jump (just to the shallow end 😆)
Finally, the merriments of the evening were over and the wedding guests began to dwindle, one by one, until only Mr and Mrs Daoming Si were left. Their eyes met across the room.


"Husband." The sweetest word ever said by his Shancai to ring in Si's ears.

"Shall we leave? Remember my promise when I kissed you earlier?" his eyes held a mischievous twinkle as he held out his hand to her.

Blushing, she put her hand in his and he entwined their fingers as they left the room. Suddenly, she tugged on his hand. He turned around and saw that she was looking flustered.

"Ah Si, I uhm, have something to ask you."

She tiptoed and whispered something in his ear. His face broke into a grin as he whispered back to her, "With pleasure, my love."

He went downstairs to the reception to return the key to their bridal suite and called for a car. How cute was his bride, he chuckled to himself as he played back what she had said to him.

"Ah Si, do you mind if we go home tonight? I think I would like the first time for us to be in your bed, I mean, our bed." 

He did not mind a bit, as he would then be able to do something which he had always wanted to do, and that couldn't happen if they had stayed in the bridal suite.

As the car pulled up the driveway to the Daoming mansion, Si got down and opened the door for his bride. They walked hand in hand up to the front door, and when they had reached, Si suddenly picked her up, and she squealed in delight, wrapping her hands around his neck.

"I've always wanted to do this on our wedding night, and thanks to my beautiful bride, I can do just that," he said, kissing her on the nose.

As they crossed the threshold, he whispered to her, "Welcome home, Mrs Daoming."

Si's bedroom had been transformed from his usual masculine style to a resplendent bridal room, as per Chinese traditions. Instead of his usual grey bedsheets, the bed was adorned with red and gold sheets and pillows. Shancai giggled when she saw it.

"What's all this? The colours are so glaring, how will we ever sleep?"

"Maybe we're not supposed to sleep," Si told her mildly, earning him a slap from her.

"Oww! I'm filing a report for domestic violence," he complained, rubbing his arm.

"Don't waste your breath," Shancai told him dryly. "You're going to need lots of it if you were to file a report for every little thing. "

Si was now staring at her, his look dark and intense as she squirmed under his gaze. He took a step towards her.

"I'm going to need my breath all do this..." he crashed his lips on hers, causing her to gasp at the contact. His lips were soft but demanding, his tongue hot and teasing. She granted him access into her mouth and she melted against his kiss, desire coursing through her body.

They finally broke apart, panting for breath, pupils dilated, as they looked at each other.

Si slowly reached behind and unzipped her gown. It dropped in one fell swoop to her feet.

She was wearing nothing underneath.

He took a step back and stared at her wordlessly. His eyes roamed her every nook and cranny, every mountain and valley. She suddenly reached up to remove her hairpin, causing her hair to tumble to her shoulders, a cascade of raven silk.

Si drew a sharp breath, unable to speak. His bride was a goddess, standing in front of him in all her naked glory, and she was all his. After all this time of longing, chasing, pursuing, she was finally his. He was too stunned to move, unable to do anything but just stare at this vision of perfection before his eyes.

He suddenly felt a rush of blood to his head when Shancai took a step forward towards him.

She reached out and began to undo the buttons on his shirt, one by one, painstakingly slow, until Si felt that he would spontaneously combust.

He swooped her onto the bed, quickly discarding the rest of his clothing. He was now on top of her, his piercing dark eyes gazing into her soul. And that was then that her soul knew. He was the only one for her. It was him then, it was him now, and it would be him for the rest of her life.

Lips on lips. Skin on skin. Roaming hands. Soft moans. Happy sighs.

When they joined as one, it was like an electric shock running through their bodies, fusing them together.

And then they cried out as they saw meteors before their eyes, more dazzling than any they have seen in the night sky.

Shancai awoke the next morning, surrounded by the gold and red sheets, and her handsome groom, fast asleep next to her. She smiled as she reached out to brush his floppy hair out of his face.

He opened his eyes sleepily as he leaned over to give her a kiss. "Good morning my beautiful bride." Realising that they were both (still) naked beneath the sheets, he reached out to pull her closer to him. He loved feeling her skin against his.

"How are you feeling, love? It wasn't too bad for you, right?" his nose scrunched up in worry.

"Don't worry, I'll live," she said as she snuggled closer to him.

"That's it? I'll live? What happened to Ah Si, it was stupendously amazing?"

"No? Shall we try it again, then?" he grinned at her.

"Not now, maybe later," she laughed.

"Why not?" he pretended to pout at her.

"Because I'm hungry," and she quickly added "for real food!" before he had a chance to speak.

"Ok ok let's go and have some breakfast, or more like brunch," he said, squinting at the clock.  "How about a kiss first?"

She tilted her head up as she gave him a searing kiss, which could probably have melted all the bones in his body.

"Shancai love, you're not making this easy," he groaned, burying his face into her breasts. "But I know you're hungry, so let's go and eat. You'll need the energy for later!" he said with a naughty grin.

She beamed at him as she gave him a peck on the lips. "Okay, let me go and get dressed. Maybe we can ask mother to join us too."

He propped himself up as he looked at her seriously. "You've really forgiven her haven't you, in spite of everything she did?"

Shancai took a deep breath. "Yes, I have. I figured that if I was going to be part of this family, I needed to do it. For her, for you, and most importantly for myself." She now looked intently at her husband.

"Haven't you?"

He sighed as he looked away. "It's hard for me Shancai, because I remember all that she did, even before I met you. The wounds have cut too deep."

She reached out to caress his cheek. "But promise you'll try?"

" I would do anything for you, but this may be a tough one. But I'll try, that's the least I can say."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Shancai came out from the bathroom around half an hour later to find Si already dressed, sitting on the bed, waiting for her. 

"Mother says she can have brunch."

She gazed at him and her eyes twinkled. "You're wearing the pants. The Love and Forgive pants" she smiled at him.

"Looks like I am," he smiled back at her.

"Is this a good sign?"

"Perhaps it is."

"Come, wife."


Hand in hand they walked, one in body, mind, and soul.

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