Thank You ❤️

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A/N: This will be a bit emotional for me, knowing that is probably the last author's note I will write for now. I have come to the last prompt, and incidentally I have saved "Gratitude" for last. This story will be along those lines (hopefully!) but most of all I am grateful for all the love and support that you wonderful people have shown to my little stories ever since I started on this humble endeavour.

This story will make references to stories I've written in the past, both in this book and also in "Glimpses", so I hope this is sort of a "finale" or epilogue of sorts, linking my stories together, even though they were all individual, unrelated stories. For those of you who have read my books from the beginning, I hope you will be pleasantly reminded of the events and characters in the past.

I have enjoyed tremendously the camaraderie amongst like-minded fans who share the love for Meteor Garden/CaiSi/DiYue and I have forged beautiful friendships along the way. There is something about MG and the two beautiful people who have impacted our lives more than we know which keep us connected and coming back. To re-live and to re-tell their stories.

So from the bottom of my heart - Thank you. Terima kasih. Merci. Gracias. Grazie. Salamat. Gamsahabnida. Xie xie. ❤️

Credits to the amazingly talented lindaisfangirling for the beautiful edit above. Don't they look so good together? This is what I envision for the first (and last) part of this story 😉
Dawn was breaking over the horizon as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the heavy drapes. It was a majorly important day in the Daoming household.

Daoming Si opened his eyes and as was his usual habit for the last 30 years, he looked first thing to his right, to the woman he loved so dearly. Today was no different. He gazed fondly at her as he gently brushed away the strands of hair which fell across her sleeping face. He caressed the minuscule fine lines at her forehead, smiling to himself as he recalled how she had just been complaining about them the day before. Silly girl, he thought to himself. Doesn't she know that I love her no matter her wrinkles and grey hair?  I've loved her from the time she kicked me in the face when we were little kids, to the time she gave me another flying kick when we were in college. He never imagined that being kicked in the face not once, but twice, would have brought him so much happiness.

Shancai stirred in her sleep, murmuring, "5 more minutes," causing her husband to give a low chuckle. Her eyes flickered open and she gave Ah Si a sleepy smile.

"Good morning, love. Is it time to get up already?"

"Good morning, my love," he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Shancai gave a yawn. "We really should get out of bed, there's soooo much we need to do today!" She put one foot out of bed, but a strong hand clamped down on her wrist and yanked her back into bed, whereby she fell onto a hard, strong chest.

"Ah Si!" she yelped. "What are you doing? We need to get up!"

"Let's just cuddle for a bit," he said, holding her tightly against him. "After all, it's not like we're the ones getting married," he remarked.

Shancai slapped him lightly on his chest before snuggling up to him. "CEO Daoming, we're talking about our daughter's wedding here!"

"And there's still plenty of time," he assured her. "Let me just hold you for a while."

"This is nice," Shancai sighed contentedly. "On any other occasion, I don't mind to lie here the entire day."

"Me too," came his muffled voice from her hair. "But since it's a big day today, let's just stay like this for another 10 minutes."
Daoming Zhuang and her husband Meizuo made a great wedding planner team, with their fine tastes and eye for the arts. They established this side business alongside the many art galleries which they owned, and found it was incredibly lucrative.

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