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Daoming Si felt like he was being interrogated by the police. Either that, or he was facing a panel for a job interview.

"Do you seriously mean to tell us, that you were trapped all night in that elevator, with the object of your affection, Dong Shancai, and nothing happened??" Ximen looked at him incredulously.

"Yeah, you can't expect us to believe that, man," Meizuo chipped in.

Lei gave a yawn. He really couldn't care less what happened between Ah Si and that petite girl with bangs. Why did they have to drag him out of bed just to poke fun at Ah Si? This was not his idea of fun.

Ah Si stood up and glared at his three best friends. What did they know? They didn't even understand what he saw in Shancai in the first place. Ximen and Meizuo, supposedly the experts when it came to women, couldn't (or wouldn't) keep the same woman for more than a week. And as for Lei, all he knew was Jing (though who could blame him).

"Excuse me, I was being a gentleman!" he retorted. "Not like you guys would know anything about it!"

To his dismay, Ximen and Meizuo made scoffing noises in disbelief.

If only they knew...!

12 hours earlier:
He could feel the fever burning up his body. He was shivering, sweating and feeling hot and cold at the same time. In his incoherent state, he dreamt that he felt two soft hands cradle his head and lay it down gently on her lap. He knew he was with Shancai, he had waited all that time for her in the rain after all, and she had finally, finally, agreed to go out with him. But he thought that she still hated him. It couldn't be the case though, since she would let him lie so comfortably in her lap. He drifted off to a fitful sleep, convinced that he was definitely dreaming in his feverish state.

They had stopped bickering a while earlier. For a split second he had thought about what Ximen and Meizuo would have done in a situation like this. It was an opportunity that may have succeeded. He didn't know much about the art of seduction. But he had his handsome face. And a vulnerable and scared Shancai. And just the two of them all alone in a stalled elevator.

However he had his honour at stake. And hers. And the fact that he really really liked her. This was not just a meaningless fling. He wanted to show her his best side. That he was sweet and caring and a gentleman, despite his prickly exterior (literally and figuratively).

Who knew that he would pass out on her lap, and that she would hold him to sleep the entire night long.

Something had almost happened, if not for those darn elevator workers. Couldn't they have come a bit later?! After all, they had been stuck there the whole night, another half an hour or so wouldn't have made any difference. And the fact that Shancai had bolted out of there without even saying goodbye, and she even left her coat behind. The coat that she had purposely bought for their date.

Ah Si groaned in annoyance thinking about the unfortunate turn of events. If only they had kissed! But then again, he wasn't about to brag about it to his friends. He wasn't like them. He meant to do things right. He knew what he was going to do. And even Ximen and Meizuo would be amazed at his boldness. Even they had done nothing like this before.

He stood up, stuffing Shancai's coat into a paper bag and jauntily swung it across his shoulder.

"I'm going to do the honourable thing," he informed his highly amused friends. "And even you will be surprised."

He checked his phone, although he didn't have to. He already knew Shancai's schedule by heart. He walked briskly through the corridors, until he reached her lecture hall. Standing outside, suddenly the bravado left him and he gave a gulp. Clearly he had never done something like this before.

But he had to do something to show those guys. And show everyone in this school who was his girl. His girl. He liked the sound of that.

He grabbed a freshman going into the hall, presumably in the same class as Shancai, and whispered something in his ear. "Oh, and don't bother being discreet," he told the young man with a wink.

The student ran excitedly into the lecture hall shouting, "Shancai! Shancai! Senior Daoming Si wants to see you!" All heads turned to look curiously at him. The great and mighty Daoming Si wanted to see one of them? A lowly freshman? And Dong Shancai, of all people! She was hardly his type at all. Or what they assumed to be his type.

Shancai blushed a furious red and bit her lip, the events of a few hours earlier still fresh in her mind. She could still smell the scent of his cologne and rain mingled together, and his warm breath brushing over her face. He had been so close, their lips almost touching, and yet, she had made no effort to push him away. She closed her eyes in resignation, what did he want now.

She stood up in a huff and quickly walked down the stairs of the auditorium, before her classmate yelled down the whole place. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could see him walking towards her. The sun shone through the windows, casting a glow on his head that made him look like an angel.

She could sense hundreds of envious female (and possibly male) eyes glancing their direction and she sighed. He just had to make an grand entrance that way.

He thrust a paper bag in her direction. "Here, take it."

"What's this?" she frowned at him. "I didn't ask for a gift."

"It's not a gift, you idiot. It's your coat, you left it behind last night."

Audible gasps and hushed whispers could be heard all around the auditorium. "They spent the night together?? Daoming Si and Dong Shancai??"

Shancai could feel her face becoming beet red.

"Daoming Si!" she hissed at him, "Are you out of your mind??"

He gave a resigned sigh and took the coat out of the bag, dropping the bag on the floor. Gently, he reached out to drape the coat around her shoulders, tying it so that it wouldn't fall off.

"Wear it, so you don't catch a cold. It's chilly outside." he told her gently, amidst more gasps around the room. Daoming Si never spoke that way to anyone!

Who was this Dong Shancai, and what had she done to Daoming Si, the revered prince of Mingde University?!

He spoke louder this time as he gently stroked her hair. "I'll see you for dinner this evening, and hopefully this time we won't get stuck in an elevator the whole night again. That date was quite a disaster, wasn't it?"

He winked at her before pressing a small kiss on her forehead, and then he turned and left the room.

Shancai was stunned speechless. The audacity of him!!

But then she turned around and saw the shocked expressions of everyone else in the room.

She gave a small smile as she wrapped her coat snugly around her and took out her cellphone to send a text message.

Nicely played, Daoming Si. You got what you wanted, but made sure my honour wasn't compromised. Dinner tonight is my treat.

Ah Si's phone pinged as he walked back to the bridge room. He looked at the incoming text and grinned as he put his phone back in his pocket.

The honour is mine, Dong Shancai.

A/N: Thank you all who are still dropping by to read my little stories, I'm sorry that my updates are few and far between! But I have two more prompts (this one is "Honour") and hopefully I can wrap this book up.
Life is busy, with working from home and juggling online classes for the kids, cooking, cleaning etc, I'm sure many of you can relate! Oh and I've also become somewhat of a k-drama fan 😅 (despite not liking k-dramas previously). I'm currently watching "Tempted (The Great Seducer)" as I couldn't get enough of "The Unbreakable Sword" Woo Dohwan in "The King Eternal Monarch" 🥰 Let me know if you have any other recommendations and thanks again for stopping by!

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