幸福 (xìngfú)

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A/N: This is for the prompt "Bliss" which is a continuation of the previous part "Alive". "Bliss" is translated in Mandarin to 幸福 (xìngfú) which coincidentally pays tribute to a bubble tea (which is something I can't live without 😆) brand  幸福棠 (xìngfú táng) and also the current drama I'm watching "Find Yourself" which in Mandarin is 下一站是幸福 (xia yizhan shi xìngfú). Hope you guys enjoy this! 😉
Daoming Si rolled off his wife and lay flat on the bed, spent and utterly satisfied, a thin layer of sweat glistening on his brow. Shancai propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him amusedly as he drew the blankets around them, pulling her close to him. Skin to skin, just like how he loved it.

"Why so quiet?" she teased him.

"I'm still trying to catch my breath. That was amazing. YOU are amazing," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Shancai snuggled closer to her husband. She had missed him so so much in the 9 weeks that he had been away, coupled with the fear, worry and anxiety of whether he would come back alive.

"You know," he continued, as he gently stroked her naked back, "I felt like a drowning man when I was there, I needed you so badly. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of you and little Didi."

"And then, after I got home, I didn't dare touch you intimately for another two weeks, just to be on the safe side. Do you know how torturous that was?" he chuckled, as his little wife scrunched her nose at him.

"Hey, it wasn't easy for me too!" Shancai retorted. "I missed this so much," she continued softly, as she dropped a kiss on his lips and gently massaged the fine lines which had appeared on his forehead.

He tightened his arms around her and pressed her body against his, deepening the kiss. He could never get enough of her. Her hands wound in his silky black hair and he flipped her onto her back, positioning himself, until....

"Papaaaaaaa, Mamaaaaaa you're awake! I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?"

Ah Si stifled a groan as he once again climbed off Shancai. "Why do we never remember to lock the door?" he grumbled, but quickly flashed a big smile to the little boy that was the spitting image of him.

Little Didi hopped on the bed while his frantic parents reached for their clothes and tried to cover the blankets around them.

"Cuddle pwease?" he beseeched them with a look that melted both their hearts. How could they resist his puppy face and chubby cheeks? They grabbed him and smothered his tiny face with kisses, enveloping him in cuddles.

Finally Shancai got up, still laughing. "You stay here, I'll tend to him. Wait for me," she told her husband, giving him a wink as she headed out the door, with the toddler clutching her hand tightly.

Ah Si involuntarily shivered in anticipation. How was it that even though they had been married several years now, the thought of his little wife never failed to bring delicious tingles down his spine? He grinned as he watched her retreating back, reaching for his phone as he settled down to wait for her.

He idly scrolled the news, the impact of the deadly virus still making the headlines. Although it was business as usual now, the ramifications of the disease couldn't be ignored. And a huge conglomerate like the Daoming group, just like any other, had suffered great losses.

But, he mulled, he was grateful that he and his team had literally escaped death and made it out alive, save for Dr Juan. His heart clenched painfully when he thought about his colleague. He had given his life to fight the disease, the company would need to honour him in some way.

As he was deep in thought, he didn't notice Shancai coming back to the bedroom.

"Renminbi for your thoughts?" she smiled at him as he looked up and put down his phone.

"Everything ok with Didi?"

"Yes, I made him some noodles, and now he's happily playing with Mrs Yu. We should be clear for the next hour or so."

"Well, in that case.." Ah Si grabbed her waist and pulled her down on the bed, tickling her until she begged him for mercy.

He finally stopped for them to catch their breath, and pulled Shancai on top of him.

"What were you thinking about when I came in?" she asked him as she twirled a lock of his hair around her finger.

"What did you think I was thinking about?" he teased her.

Her eyes grew serious. "I saw you looking at your phone. Everything ok at the company?"

He wound his arms around her. "Yes, it is," he said, kissing her on the nose. "We were hard hit, but we will recover. All of us will."

Shancai's shoulders relaxed slightly. "People are still stocking up on supplies though," she remarked. "I can't understand what is this obsession with toilet paper!"

Ah Si chuckled. "You know what else was out of stock during the epidemic besides the usual face masks and hand sanitisers?"



Shancai burst into giggles. "I saw that on social media!" she laughed. "I guess the lack of entertainment and restrictions on going out had a lot to do with that," she continued giggling.

"I stocked some up as well," Ah Si looked at her with a serious look on his face.

"You did? What on earth for? I thought we wanted another baby!"

Ah Si burst into laughter as he looked at his wife's puzzled face. He sank her into the pillows and started tickling her again amidst her shrieks of delight.

"I'm kidding," he chuckled as his hands stopped their onslaught, instead wrapping themselves around her slim body.

"So, what do you say, love? Shall we try for that baby now?" he whispered, sending pleasant shivers down Shancai's body.

She surrendered to his touch of his hands  and kisses from his lips, feeling the void which had been there for 9 long weeks being filled with joy and happiness.

Ah Si was overjoyed to have his beloved wife in his arms again, and being home with his little family.

This was bliss. And it was all that he truly needed.

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