Love Someone

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A/N: Happy new year 2020! Can you believe it's already a new decade? And since it's the beginning of a new year and new decade, I'm trying my hand at writing about something new, or rather about someone new, so do bear with me!

This is for the prompt "Need" and also, this is one of my current favourite songs, so do turn on the BGM, and I hope you like this!
Ximen Yan was a notorious womaniser. The whole of Mingde knew it, his best friends knew it, heck, he even knew it himself. His imminent good looks and suave, charming ways were his weapons of mass destruction when it came to a woman's heart, not to mention those devastating cheekbones.

There was a different girl on his arm every other week, much to the amusement of his friends, and the envy of the other guys in Mingde. All four of F4 were handsome in their own right, but none of them had quite the way with women as Ximen did.

Daoming Si had Shancai, and he was completely smitten with her, even though she was nothing like what Ximen would have envisioned for himself. Lei was pining over Jing (although there was a time that he and Si had almost fallen out because of Shancai) and Meizuo was still heartbroken over Caina.

This was precisely why Ximen had no desire to be tied down to any one girl. He didn't want to wear his heart on his sleeve (like Ah Si) nor did he want to mope around for a girl, thank you very much.

Not until he met Xiaoyou.

The first time he had laid eyes on her, she was with Shancai. He has never seen a cuter girl, looking at him adoringly with those big eyes of hers. And what was it that Shancai had said to her at Jing's party? "Don't talk to him, you could get pregnant."

He had smirked silently at that, thinking that it was more of a compliment that an insult. And since then, he couldn't get the cute, petite girl out of his head. He tried, oh how he tried, but nothing seemed to work. Not even the bed marathon he had had with different girls in succession.

He was afraid. Afraid to open his heart. Afraid to be vulnerable. Afraid to love.

He remembered Xiaogeng. How much he had hurt her, and he had never wanted to hurt someone he cared about ever again. Those other girls he dated - he didn't care about them. And they didn't care about him either. All they wanted was his money, or his body, or both.

He remembered the hurt in Xiaogeng's eyes when she confronted him about not showing up on the rooftop. He was a coward, he knew, but he wasn't ready to listen to her confession. He knew he loved her, but he had no idea how to love her. So he rejected her, and the look on her face as she ran away crying would haunt him forever.

He remembered his parents. How his mother would sob silently in her room night after night because of his father's infidelities. How she endured a loveless relationship for his sake. No wonder he had been afraid to commit. He didn't know how to love as he had not learnt by example.

So he had shut everyone out, living a frivolous life, which seemed enviable from the outside but in reality, he was empty on the inside. Only his three best friends knew about his past, and even then they didn't know everything.

But now there was Xiaoyou. She had confessed her love to him just days ago at the tea party he had in his house. Actually that was an excuse just to get her to come. And what had he said at her confession? He told her "thank you". He almost wanted to facepalm himself but Xiaoyou had done it for him instead. He could still feel the sting on he cheek from the slap she had given him. And he probably deserved it too.

Now he sat in a bar, trying to drink away the thoughts of Xiaoyou which kept popping up in his head. And then he saw her, sitting opposite the room, also apparently having a drink.

His heart skipped a beat. What was she doing? The silly girl couldn't hold her drink!

As he got up to make his way toward her, he saw that she wasn't alone. She was with a guy, and she was talking and laughing with him, as he poured her glass after glass.

Ximen fumed inwardly as he looked at them and that's when he realised something else. He was jealous. He had never felt jealousy before, as usually people were jealous of him and not the other way around.

He got up from his seat and stalked to where Xiaoyou was sitting, swiftly intercepting the next drink which the guy was holding out to her.

"What's the meaning of this? Are you trying to get my girlfriend drunk?" His steely eyes glittered with rage as Xiaoyou stared at him wide-eyed.

Ximen gulped down the drink in one mouthful, took Xiaoyou's hand firmly and practically dragged her out of the bar as the other man gaped at them with his mouth open.

As soon as they were outside, Xiaoyou lashed out at him, "Ximen Yan! What the hell are you doing? And you told him you are my boyfriend?? I can look after myself, I don't need you! You're nothing but a jerk..."

But she couldn't finish as Ximen grabbed her by the waist and crashed his lips onto hers, kissing her passionately and insistently. She tried to push him away at first,  but her subconscious could never resist him, and slowly she found herself melting into the kiss, not caring who was around them in the busy streets of Shanghai.

When they finally stopped for breath, Ximen whispered to her, "But I need you."

"Huh?" Xiaoyou gave him a confused look.

"You may not need me, but I need you. I've had for a long time, I just didn't realise it. I love you Xiaoyou. Do you believe me? Do you believe I can be a one-woman man?"

Xiaoyou slowly disentangled himself from his arms so she could pull away and look at him, finding only honesty and sincerity in his eyes as he gazed anxiously at her.

"I believe you Ximen."

"You do? Even though I'm so messed up?"

"I do. So long as you're willing to let go of the past."

Ximen gazed at her lovingly as he swept her up in his arms once more and slowly lowered his head to kiss her again.

Ah Si was right for once. He now knew what it was like to love someone. And he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

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