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AN: Dr-Cokebottles this is a story about babysitting with no babies - just for you! 😂 lindaisfangirling monicacantwrite JVH624 Meggyhashope evfabricando Daphnecs8 Zazounette86
Daoming Si lay on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. He was not used to feeling this way at all. That tiny girl with her big beguiling eyes unnerved him to his very core. Any other girl in her right mind would have killed to go to Hawaii with him, and he had even offered to pay for her! How dare she refuse him, turning up her nose at the offer of a lifetime. Instead she had told him jauntily that she would be going to Sanya, with Qinghe, no less.

His handsome face creased in a frown. He couldn't believe that she would pick that lame farmer guy over him, the great Daoming Si. That was it! He couldn't bear the thought of her being anywhere near that lame guy, with no chaperone in sight! Who knew what he would do to her? He picked up his phone and sent out an SOS text to F3.

Lei, Ximen and Meizuo looked at their phones and sighed. Si was having girl trouble again, to be specific, Shancai trouble. "This has better be good," Ximen grumbled as he looked for his car keys. Half an hour later, the boys were assembled in Si's basement, looking expectantly at Si.

"Guys," he announced, "we're not going to Hawaii anymore for the long break. We're going to Sanya." Lei, Ximen and Meizuo looked at him speechlessly. Finally Ximen spoke. "What the hell, Ah Si?? We already planned this trip for months! And I've already told my girl- well, the girl I'm seeing now, that I would take her to Hawaii!"

"Sorry, nothing doing. We're going to Sanya, and that's final." Meizuo now spoke up. "Why the change of plans?" Si awkwardly rubbed his nose. Ximen's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "This has something to do with Shancai, right? Spill it! Lei, you tell him!"

Lei looked at them sleepily. "To be honest, I don't really mind where we go. Anyway, I have Jing," his voice drifted off dreamily.

"Ohhhh okay, I'll tell you!" Si groaned in frustration. "Shancai is going to Sanya with that lame farmer friend of hers. Just the two of them. I need to make sure that nothing happens to her."

Ximen gaped at him. That was the reason they were all going to Sanya? "Dude, you can't be serious! Shancai is an adult, she doesn't need you to be babysitting her!" Si glared at him. "I'm not babysitting her! I'm just looking out for her!" he snapped. "Now are you guys in, or not?"

"Do we look like we have a choice?" Meizuo looked at the floor glumly. "Sanya it is then." Si beamed at them. "Thanks guys, you really are my best friends."
It was a beautiful sunny day in Sanya. Shancai and Qinghe were aboard his fishing boat, when a yacht suddenly appeared in the distance. They could see the people aboard the yacht, and there was no mistaking the silhouettes of F4. "What are they doing here??" Shancai clutched at Qinghe. She could never get rid of that frustratingly annoying Daoming Si! The yacht docked and they all got off. Each of the boys had a girl on their arm, except Si. Lei was with Jing, and Ximen and Meizuo with their dates-of-the-month.

Jing took pity on Shancai, or perhaps she should have took pity on Si, judging by the death look that Shancai shot him. The elder girl approached her and spoke to her kindly. "We're having a party tonight and you - both of you - are invited. Come with me, I'll get you something to wear and doll you up. Ximen smirked at Si upon hearing that. "Looks like you've been relieved of your babysitting duties for a couple of hours." Si just looked daggers at him, which promptly shut him up.

That night, they were all gathered for the beach party. Shancai was apprehensive, as she felt that the dress which Jing loaned her was a tad too short and low-cut. Her apprehension was not wrong, as all eyes turned to look at her when she arrived at the party. Si looked up and down at her appreciatively, causing her to make a grimacing face at him. "This girl will be the death of me," he muttered under his breath. He caught both Lei and Qinghe also staring at her, and that was the final straw for him. He got up, and with big strides started making his way towards her.

The beach was crowded, and Shancai suddenly felt herself being jostled. She lost her balance and fell, right into Si's arms. He reached out to catch her and lost his own footing, both of them tumbling down to the sand, her on top of him, their lips crashing against each other's. Shancai's eyes flew open in shock, but something about Si's lips on hers made her unable to move. Instinctively, his arms tightened around her and he pulled her closer, his lips still locked on hers.

Shancai felt shockwaves run through her body, but it was the good kind. She hated to admit it, but she had found herself unwillingly attracted to the handsome boy, especially on the day that he had made the preposterous suggestion to pay for her trip to Hawaii. He had been so unlike his arrogant self that day, and he had shown genuine concern that she was sick. His lips had not moved from hers, and despite herself, she found herself melting into him, her soft curves adjusting to his hard masculine body underneath her.

Si felt her tense muscles relax above him, and before he knew it, her hands had wound around his neck. She had made no move to push him away and he was besides himself with joy. The tiny girl was not running away! He pulled her even closer, his lips moulding against hers, teasing them open until his tongue found its way in. Her hands running through his dark hair, she kissed him back whole-heartedly, their tongues dancing the tango. They hardly heard the catcalls and whistles around them, as they lay tangled on the sand, immersed in only each other.

They finally broke apart, panting for breath and a smile curved the ends of Si's lips as he looked at Shancai's flushed face and disheveled hair. She smiled back at him shyly, and that was all the cue he needed. Standing up, he helped her to her feet and took her by the hand. "Let's go somewhere more private," he whispered in her ear and she nodded at him, blushing. As he led her away, her fingers entwined in his, he looked over at his friends, amusement written all over their faces. He winked at Ximen and said with a mischievous grin, "So you still call this babysitting?" Ximen winked back at him, "Go get her, tiger."

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