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AN: I'm sorry for the hurt I caused yesterday, so here's a short fluffy one, hopefully I can make it up to you lindaisfangirling and Yuni_DiYue ! It was a challenge for me to write anything remotely angsty, so I shall probably not be attempting that again. I am also behind on the prompts, so I need to catch up! This story is partially inspired from personal experience, and also pardon the cheesiness, but how could I not have Ed Sheeran's "Perfect" as the BGM when the prompt is "Perfect" :) As per the rules, tagging monicacantwrite Dr-Cokebottles Zazounette86 Meggyhashope JVH624 Daphnecs8 lindaisfangirling evfabricando
There was nothing that Si loved more than watching his wife sleep.

His wife. His two favourite words to describe his favourite person in the whole world, and he still couldn't believe that she was his, lying in bed next to him.

He watched the rise and fall of her perfect breasts as she breathed in and out, the gentle sighs as she shifted in her sleep, her dark silky hair falling over her face, the way she tucked her hands under her pillow, the straps of her silky nightgown falling off revealing her creamy white shoulders. So perfect, he sighed to himself. How did he get so lucky to have the girl of his dreams, the one he had pursued for so long and so hard to finally be his wife. When she was awake, the sound of her voice was his soothing balm, the way her eyes crinkled when she laughed was his energy booster, her endless playful bickering made him feel alive. And now the most perfect thing of all...his eyes fell on her small rounded belly...

Shancai stirred and opened her eyes sleepily. "Daoming Si? Why are you still awake? So creepy, why are you watching me sleep?" she laughed at him.

He chuckled at her. "Silly girl, you're so beautiful when you sleep, how could I stop looking at you? I just want to drink you in, all the time."

Shancai suddenly gave a startled jump, causing Si to look at her in alarm. "What's wrong, love?" "The baby kicked!" she told him with a smile. "Where? Let me feel it!" Si could hardly contain his excitement. He put his hand on her belly but it was still and he could feel nothing.
"Maybe try putting your face on my belly?" Shancai suggested.

Si pressed the side of his face gently to her tummy and after a few seconds, he gave a sudden yelp. "She kicked! She kicked my face!" Upon hearing that, Shancai could not contain her giggles. Suddenly the realisation dawned upon Si and he scowled at her. "Like mother, like daughter! Kicking me in the face!" Shancai was still chuckling away and Si couldn't help but laugh along with her. He lightly wrestled her and pinned her beneath him, careful not to put pressure on her tummy.

"So you think it's funny huh?" he whispered to her, grazing her lips with his and slowly pressing tiny kisses to her neck. "You're tickling me!" Shancai giggled at him. "And yes, it's funny!"

"I'll show you what's funny!" he tickled her further until she begged him for mercy. Finally stopping to breathe, he wrapped her his arms around her and pulled her tightly to him. This was his idea of perfect. And not only that, he felt complete. Not because of his wealth or status, but because he was holding in his arms the two most precious people in his life. Nothing could be more perfect than that.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

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