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A/N: This is for lindaisfangirling , one of my oldest and dearest friends in the fandom, as a tribute to her profile picture.

In continuing with the prompt list, this one is for the prompt "Escape".
Daoming Si was annoyed. Not one of those lowly freshmen dared to come near the hallowed halls of the Bridge Room at Mingde University, unless they were invited by F4, and those invitations were few and far between. Who did that tiny girl with bangs and a braid down the side of her hair think she was?

Wait. Why had he noticed that she had bangs and a braid? He shook his head distractedly, unwilling to admit that he had been intrigued by the girl's appearance at the door of the Bridge Room, and not only had she made an appearance, she had made a loud appearance. Thinking of that made him feel annoyed again.

So he was annoyed. And intrigued. And annoyed that he felt intrigued.

Ah Si was surprisingly quiet as he and his three best friends strode the halls of the university, disregarding the giggles and hushed whispers of the female undergrads as they passed by. He was secretly hoping to catch a glance of that feisty freshman, although for the life of him he didn't know why. She was not his type at all, and the gall of her to accuse him and demand that she replace her phone! Nobody told him what to do. That was more his thing.

The four of them ascended a flight of stairs to get to their next class. They went up, Si leading the way, as was their usual formation. Without warning, something soft and sweet landed on his prickly pineapple head, and dripped silently down his forehead to his face. It was a cake, and not even of the flavour that he particularly cared for! He opened his eyes to find the object of his non-affection and her lame friend staring at him in shock and horror.

Ah So's nostrils began to flare, a well-known sign of his impending anger.

"You again!" he glared at the both of them.

"I'm sss..ssorry", stuttered the other girl.

"If apologies worked, why would we need the police?!" he barked at her.

"I'll help you clean up," she offered meekly, brushing her fingers across his face in an attempt to clean the cream which was slathered all over it.

For some reason, this angered Ah Si even more and he roughly shoved her aside. Who was she to touch him in that manner?

Shancai quickly ran to her friend's aid, and after making sure she was alright, she stopped Ah Si in his tracks as he was about to walk away. She turned to him, her eyes blazing with anger.

"She didn't do it on purpose, and she already apologised to you. Do you have to be so mean?"

He said nothing but turned to look at her, his eyes dark and frightening. Shancai was terrified, but she stood her ground.

"You're an arrogant, green-shoe wearing, pineapple head! You think you're so popular, so you can do whatever you want. You didn't even apologise for breaking my phone. You're just a big jerk!"

Ah Si reached out his hand and grabbed her by the nape of her neck and looked at her straight in the eye. Shancai felt like her heart would beat right out of her chest.

What was he going to do to her?

They engaged in a locked stare for several seconds before Ah Si uttered three words.

"You've. Got. Guts."

He then released her and walked away, feeling the annoyance he had carried from earlier build up inside him. Not so much because he was covered in cake cream, but because of the unusual feelings stirring up within himself when she had yelled at him and called him a jerk.

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