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AN: This was a really hard one to write, so please don't crucify me lindaisfangirling Meggyhashope JVH624 Dr-Cokebottles monicacantwrite Zazounette86 Daphnecs8 evfabricando 😂

I was looking for a suitable song to go with the story and when I saw the translated lyrics of BTS' "Magic Shop", it gave me goosebumps as it was so on point as regards to Si and Shancai! 🤯🤯 Lyrics translation below credited to

I didn't intend to use BTS, but since I did, this one is for you DramaLindy 🥰
It was Daoming Si's birthday. As was to be expected of an heir to one of China's biggest conglomerates, his birthday was nothing short of the biggest social event of the year for Shanghai's elite circles, held in one of the city's six-star hotels. And this year, his mother would be there, something she had not done for the past several years. This year also, he was more than ecstatic. He would be bringing a girl to his party, for the very first time. Dong Shancai. The sound of her name was like music to his hears. Despite his thoughts that she didn't seem to like him all that much, the fact that she had accepted his invitation to the party had to amount for something, didn't it?

He was fidgety all through the party before her arrival. Zhuang whispered something to him that she was being dressed by Lei, Ximen and Meizuo and his handsome face had creased in a frown. What were those bozos doing? He didn't want his Shancai to be overly dressed or made-up, she was beautiful just the way she was! She had fair, creamy skin, dark, silky hair and big brown eyes with those long, long eyelashes which never failed to make his heart skip a beat whenever she looked at him, however disdainfully.

Finally she appeared, looking ethereal in a short, white dress, those big brown eyes looking nervously across the room. He took quick strides towards her and smiled at her warmly. "You're here." She nodded shyly at him. "Come, I want you to meet my mother," he gently tugged at her arm. "Oh, but, Daoming Si, I don't think that's a good idea. I'll just try to mingle and blend into the crowd," she tried valiantly to protest and wriggle out from his grasp. As she did so, she stumbled and knocked into a cocktail table which had been set up in the middle of the room. Shancai, the table, and all its contents tumbled to the floor with an almighty crash, much to the dismay of Daoming Si and F3.

High heels could be heard clicking as their owner walked, approaching the scene of the commotion. The clicking stopped, as the heels stood still, right in front of the prostrate Shancai. She slowly lifted her face from the floor and looked upwards, into a porcelain perfect face with cold steely eyes staring at her.

"Ah Si, is she your friend?" The words cut through the silence of the room.

Si decided that this was now or never. He took a deep breath as he said, "Ma, this is Dong Shancai, the girl that I like. I..I hope that you will like her too."

The Daoming CEO's mouth curled up in a wry smile. "Who are her parents?"

Si looked at his mother angrily. "Does it matter who they are? I like her, isn't that all that matters?"

Daoming Feng smiled condescendingly at her only son. "You are still too naive to understand how our world works. This girl is definitely not for you. She will never fit into our world." She looked down at Shancai, still lying on the floor, too stunned to move. "Tell me, Shancai, what are your skills? Can you play any instruments? How about the piano? Let's hear you play something for all our guests here tonight." Her eyes glittered maliciously as she looked at Shancai. Si began to panic as he saw Shancai falter in front of his mother, when all of a sudden, the door to the banquet hall flung open, and a small human hurricane burst into the room.

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