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AN: So I'm gonna cheat a bit and post this part first, sorry Dr-Cokebottles monicacantwrite Zazounette86 JVH624 Daphnecs8 Meggyhashope evfabricando lindaisfangirling I will go back and write the other parts, promise! This is going to be a sad one, sorry Linda 😔 But like I said, let's get this over with and then I can concentrate on the fluff!
Si watched Shancai walk away from the Daoming mansion, as if in a trance. Her eyes were glazed over with her tears, and she had the appearance of someone who had been through a tremendous shock. His heart clenched with pain as if he had been stabbed with a twisted knife. How could he have let her go so cruelly and callously? She had travelled thousands of miles to a foreign land to see him and he had turned her away as if she was a stranger. His own tears began to drop and he wept to think of what he had done, of what he had been forced to do against his own will as his conniving mother had concealed herself in the adjoining room.

The emotional turmoil within him was consuming him, the memory of the altercation with his mother still fresh in his mind. They had screamed bloody murder at each other, which resulted in a slap across his face and him almost tearing his hair out. Why couldn't she understand? Why did he have to choose? Why was this whole terrible mess his responsibility to bear? He wished he had never been born a Daoming. He wished he was just an ordinary guy who was free to love the woman he chose. He wished...he wished...but he knew that even a genie could not help him in this bleak situation.

Feeling like his heart was about to jump out from him chest, he suddenly took chase after her. He had to hold her in his arms again, just for one last time.

"Shancai!! Shancai!!" he screamed her name as he ran towards the front door and out of the gate. She stopped but she didn't turn around. "Please," he begged her, "I'm sorry, please don't go." She finally turned to face him, with tears pooling in her eyes, and a sad smile on the edges of her mouth.

"Goodbye Daoming Si," she told him. "When I leave from here, you will never see me again. Please go and have a happy life with Xiaozi."

"Noooooo!!" he screamed at her, but she turned away from him and continued walking out the gate. He tried to give chase, but his knees buckled under him and he sank to the ground. His eyes closed as the world blurred around him and everything went black.
"Ah Si, Ah Si! Wake up, wake up!"

Si continued rambling in his sleep "No, Shancai, no Shancaiiii!"

Xiaozi turned to her mother-in-law in despair. "He's having that same nightmare again. I don't know what to do anymore."

Daoming Feng was tight-lipped as she watched her only son rant and rave in his sleep. For the first time, doubt creeped into her heart. Yes, she had got what she wanted. The company had survived, the employees had kept their jobs. Thousands of people had benefited from the merger. But was it worth it in the end, at the expense of her own son? As quickly as the doubt appeared, she dismissed it from her mind. This was real life, and Si would have to deal with it somehow. And as for Xiaozi, she did feel a pang of pity for her, as she knew that Si would never love her like he did Shancai, and Xiaozi knew it herself.

A few thousand miles away, Shancai fingered the meteor necklace she had worn around her neck ever since the fateful day she had walked away from Daoming Si, from the love of her life. She could not have him, but she would keep a piece of him with her forever. And maybe someday, if the meteors aligned, they would find their way back to each other once more.

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