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A/N: This is going to be a deviation from the Meteor Garden theme, so I apologise in advance if I'm not following the rules of the prompt list 😅 I have received requests to write about a jealous Han Shangyan a.ka. Gun God, so here it is for the prompt "Abandoned". I hope you still enjoy this!
Han Shangyan was having a mild identity crisis. He was "Little Han" to his elders, "Old Han" to his peers, "Boss" to his little army of boys, "Gun God" to his legions of adoring fans, but to the bright-eyed petite lady standing before him, he was simply "Husband". And of all the titles he was known by, to him, this was the only one that mattered.

Although at this present moment, he was doubting that he deserved that title at all. Nian Nian's face was red and livid with anger, and he backed away from her uncertainly, finding himself nowhere to retreat as he stumbled up against the wall behind him.

She advanced towards him angrily, quite unlike  the sunny-tempered little wife he was used to.

"Han Shangyan!!"

He knew he was in trouble now. She hardly ever called him by his full name since they had been married, unless she was mad at him. And this was one of those times. Who knew that the lofty Gun God, revered by many, could be subdued by just one look from this tiny feisty woman.

Han Shangyan had been a loner for most of his life. After both his parents had died, he was cared for by his stepmother and his grandfather. Even though they had tried their best, he could not help but feel there was a void in his life, a sense of abandonment that he could never fully shake off.

Not until Nian Nian had burst into his life like a rainbow after the storm. He had not known how to respond to her initially, and had backed away, afraid that he had nothing to offer her. But in time he soon learnt that all she wanted from him was his love and affection, something he found that he could willingly give, and receive in return. His greatest fear, however,  was not that Nian Nian did not love him, but that she would abandon him. If he was Gun God, she was his goddess, and he could not imagine his life without her.

Said goddess now stood before him with her arms folded across her chest. He gulped, his Adam's Apple bobbing uncertainly in his throat.

"Han Shangyan! You have some explaining to do!"

"I, er, I..." For a rare moment, Gun God found himself speechless. Perhaps he had overreacted, he mused, but it was too late to regret it now. He didn't even know that he was capable of what he had just done. Was that really him? His mild identity crisis suddenly became a full-blown one. He closed his eyes in defeat, not knowing anything to say to defend himself.

Half an hour earlier:
Han Shangyan was waiting outside Nian Nian's office, as was his daily routine, to pick her up after work each day. She had managed to secure a much coveted job at one of the top tech companies in the city, not a surprise considering that she was a programming genius.

He could not help but smile to himself as he thought of seeing her, the one bright spark in his life after a particularly dreary day at training and meetings.

He saw her approaching, but unlike previous days, her eyes were not searching for him. Instead, she was talking animatedly to her companion, a tall, good-looking man, who was equally as engrossed in their conversation.

Gun God peered curiously at the newcomer. And then his eyes grew wide as he realised who it was. It was that pesky boy who used to harass Nian Nian in university! What was his name again? Zheng something or other. Anyhow, what he was called was irrelevant to him. What was relevant was that he was walking and talking with HIS Nian Nian. Had the silly girl forgotten what he had done to her? What was he doing here anyway?

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