Missed Opportunities

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AN: This is the second prompt in the list created by JVH624 for which Dr-Cokebottles has invited me to participate.

Today also marks the publishing of the final story of "In Every Universe" by meteor_heaven to commemorate the first airing anniversary of Meteor Garden 2018. And although the title of this story is "Missed Opportunities" I must say that watching Meteor Garden certainly was not, and I couldn't be gladder that through this experience, I have made so many dear friends.   To be able to participate alongside authors that I look up to so much,  was truly the opportunity of a lifetime. It's bittersweet that this is the end of the project, but I'm sure it will be the beginning of many many other beautiful things to come.

The song which I chose for the bgm is one of my favourites growing up, and believe me I can sing every word haha. It's a Malay song, but I will provide the translation as we go along. The original lyrics are really poetic, so i apologise in advance if my translations are not able to convey the same emotions. But still I hope you will enjoy the soothing harmonies and beautiful melody.

I also chose a painful scene to rewrite for this part, but as I wept along with Si watching this, I had always wanted to do something to make this scene have a happy ending, so here it is. I hope it's fluffy enough for you!

Thank you to all of you who are still reading this, it's readers like you who inspire and encourage us to keep on writing ♥️

Happy first anniversary MG 2018.
Seindah, tiada lagi kau ku ingatkan
There's nothing as beautiful as you that I can remember
Sayang, kau hilang
My love, you disappeared
Menanti, biar sampai akhir hayatku
I will wait until the end of my life
Di dunia ini
In this world

Daoming Si was sure that his heart could not break further more than it was broken now. It felt like a mirror which had shattered into a thousand tiny pieces, and could never be put back together. He had never experienced such heartache in his life, except when his father had died, but even then the pain he had felt was numbing, nothing like the heart-wrenching, searing pain that was coursing through his mind, soul and body.

He had downed bottles of Ballantine's trying to numb his pain, but nothing worked, he could not get the picture of Shancai out of his head, crying her heart out as he had tossed the precious meteor necklace into the water, blinded by his rage. And he could not get over the picture of Lei, hugging Shancai close to him, as her body heaved with sobs.

He covered his eyes with his hands and wept.

Ximen and Meizuo were distraught. Never in their lives had they seen the great domineering Daoming Si such a broken man. All because of the tiny, fiery girl who had completely and absolutely captured his heart and soul. And his best friend in the whole wide world who had betrayed him.

Oh angin, sampaikan laguku padanya
Wind, please carry my song to her
Yang sedih pilu
This sad painful song
Terimalah laguku jadi teman hidupmu
Take my song as your life companion
Untuk selamanya

As he sobbed, he spoke. "Ximen, Meizuo, you must think I'm such a fool! That sleepyhead and that stupid girl played me!"

Ximen and Meizuo looked at each other, at a loss of what to say. Finally Meizuo spoke.

"Ah Si, when are you going to stop doing this to yourself? You will drink yourself to death!"

"That's exactly what they want, don't they? For me to be out of the picture, so they can date in peace? With me around, it would be a missed opportunity! They can be together if it wasn't for me!" he slammed his glass on the table, shattering it into smithereens. A sharp edge pierced his skin and fresh red blood began to ooze out.

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