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AN: So I have been invited to play along for a second set of prompts. This list was given to me by the brilliant Dr-Cokebottles and she mentioned that it was curated by the ever talented JVH624 .

This is my take on "Christmas" although it is nowhere near Christmas now 😅 but I do know for a fact that they celebrate "Christmas in July" Down Under. Also, as for the bgm, even though it's not a Christmas song, I always felt that it had a Christmasy vibe. So I hope you enjoy this little fluffy one-shot!
It was two weeks to Christmas and the streets of London were buzzing with the holiday spirit. People were everywhere, doing their last minute shopping. The streets were dazzling with fairy lights, tempting displays in the windows of the shops, and best of all, a light snow was gently falling.

Shancai stood fascinated as she took it all in. This was her first Christmas in London, and she had never seen such a wonderful sight. Christmas was not a big deal in China, she mused, so this was completely new to her. She had asked her husband whether they could have a Christmas tree at home, just to set the festive mood, but he had looked amusedly at her and said "We'll see."

She sighed. She couldn't blame him of course. Christmas was not something that they celebrated back in Shanghai, so she couldn't expect that to change, just because they happened to be in London this Christmas. She looked wistfully at a grandly decorated Christmas tree which graced the entrance of a high end shopping centre in downtown London.

She was alone today, as Si had a business dinner to attend. She didn't mind, as she loved exploring the city on her own, and now that her English had improved tremendously, she had no qualms about communicating with others. Her stomach suddenly rumbled, and she knew exactly what she wanted to have for dinner. Anticipating her meal, she quickly turned and made her way to the restaurant.

As she strolled along, she saw two familiar faces, busking on the streets, and she smiled to herself. Who would have known that these two, who had once been common thieves, would now be her good friends?

"Paul! Ross!" she squealed as she saw them. They were in the middle of a song.

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore

They stopped singing and rushed to give her a big bear hug. "Shancai! It's so good to see you!"

"I'm on my way to dinner," she told them. "Want to join me?"

They laughed as they shook their heads. "We still have work to do, Shancai! You go ahead, we'll catch up with you another time!"

Shancai waved at them as she walked off, her stomach grumbling at the delay. Finally she reached her destination and she opened the door. The little bells chimed as she stepped in and a lady popped her head out of the kitchen.

"Shancaiiii!!" she shrieked as she ran to give her a big hug. "I'm so glad you're here! Where's Ah Si?"

"Yue Jie!" Shancai laughed as she embraced the elderly lady. "It's just me tonight, Ah Si is working."

"What can I get you, you must be starving!"

"Actually I am, I was so craving for your Eight Treasure Spicy Noodles!"

"You mean, your Eight Treasure Spicy Noodles!" Yue Jie grinned at her as she gave instructions to the kitchen. "Coming right up!"

Yue Jie have a delighted smile when she saw Shancai digging into her noodles with gusto. "You know, after that night that you said you were breaking up, and Si asked me not to serve this dish anymore, I was heartbroken. I'm so glad when he told me that the "ban" was lifted after that!" she beamed affectionately at the younger woman in front of her. Shancai put her hand over the worn, wrinkly one and patted it. "We will always be grateful to you Yue Jie, you are part of our family." The elderly lady's eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she watched Shancai finish her meal.

After saying a thousand goodbyes and promises to be back soon, Shancai called her car to take her home and she leaned back, her stomach and soul both satisfied.

As she stepped into the hallway of the Daoming mansion, she heard soft upbeat jazz music being played, coming from the living room. Strange, this song sounds familiar, she thought to herself. She decided to have a look at what was going on.

She walked towards the living room, but before she could enter, she gave a gasp at the sight that met her eyes.

An eight foot Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room, with as many beautiful ornaments as her heart could wish for, and rows of twinkling lights.

And the Christmas tree lights was not the only thing that was twinkling. A pair of twinkling brown eyes in the face of the person she loved the most looked at her, smiling as he said, "So, love, what do you think?"

Shancai was a loss for words, and she stood rooted to the spot as she drank in the beautiful tree in front of her, but when she finally found her voice (and her feet), she flung herself into Si's arms, almost toppling both of them in the process.

"Thank you, it's beautiful," she whispered as she looked up at him.

He held her tightly, hugging her in return. This woman never fails to take my breath away, literally! he thought to himself with a smile.

After some time, he pulled away slightly. "Oh, but there is one more thing. You have the privilege to place the final ornament on the tree."

"What is it?" she asked him curiously, as he took a dark blue box from behind him and opened it.

She peeked into the box, and it was a dazzling Swarovski crystal, crafted in the shape of a meteor.

"Oh Ah Si, it's lovely," she breathed as she gently lifted it out of the box and peered closely at it. "Meteors will always be significant for us, I can tell why you chose it," she smiled at him. "I can see the colours of the rainbow in it!" she told him excitedly.

"Really? Let me see!" he said as he took it from her, squinting into the giant crystal.

He handed it back to her, smiling widely. "Love, would you like to do the honour of placing it at the top of the tree?"

"Isn't it too big though?" she asked him.

"Don't worry, I had it custom made to fit the top of the tree, so you can fasten it there and it won't fall," he reassured her.

"Um, I can't reach," she told him shyly.

With a chuckle, he hoisted her above him, just like when she was trying to touch the stars, all those moons before. She squealed with laughter as she placed the meteor crystal and fastened it at the top of the tree.

He gently put her down and turned her around to face him as he cupped her face in his hands. "I'm so glad you like it," he murmured as he bent down to give her a kiss. She lifted her face to him as he tasted her sweet lips, gently at first, but then deeper, as he pulled her closer against him. The soft jazz music continued to play in the background as they embraced, long and lovingly.

When they finally broke apart, Shancai suddenly exclaimed, "Now I know where I've heard the song! Paul and Ross were playing it earlier!"

"Really?" Si teased her. "Then you should know it well by now. Come, dance with me," he said as he spun and twirled her around until they were both laughing and out of breath.

They finally sank down to the plush sofa, Shancai cuddled up against Si as they sat there admiring the dazzling Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas, Daoming Si," she whispered against his chest. He gave her a kiss on the forehead as he replied, "Merry Christmas, Mrs Daoming Si."

And love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

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