Lock, Stock & Barrel

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A/N: For Dr-Cokebottles hongdousha lindaisfangirling DramaLindy and poisonivy0325 , I hope I did this justice!

This story is for the prompt "Sacrifice". This is the longest one I've written so far (with the exception of Meteor Heaven), so please do bear with me!
Shancai swung her backpack over her shoulders as she wearily left her class and headed over to the black Bentley which was parked waiting to take her home. It had been a long day and she just wanted to have a long hot shower and fall into bed.

On the way home, she looked out at the London cityscape as the car sped through the streets. She had already been here for 4 months, and still she missed Shanghai. She missed her home, her parents, her friends. But didn't she say that she would follow Daoming Si to the ends of the world? And that truly trumped everything. She couldn't imagine them being apart for too long. Every time he had to go away for business trips, she missed him so much that it hurt.

She twirled the delicate, elegant band around her ring finger. It had been 6 months since they were married, and each day had been more blissful than the one before. She smiled to herself, forgetting her tiredness momentarily, lost in her pleasant thoughts.

Not long after, the car stopped at the front door of the Daoming mansion in London.

Shancai wandered through the many hallways, wondering where her husband was. He should be home at this hour. There was something she needed to ask him.

She finally found him, reading in one of the small lounges. He broke into a big smile as she entered the room.

"Shancai, you're home! How was your day?"

She did not answer but went over to him to give him a kiss, dropping a small peck on his lips. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed hold of her and she found herself on her husband's lap, his arms holding her in a tight grip.

"Ah Si," she squealed, "let me go!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on. You
look exhausted."

Shancai buried her face in her husband's warm chest. "I just feel so tired, it's been a long day, and I miss my family and friends in Shanghai," she said in a small, muffled voice.

Si stroked her hair gently and held her close for a while before he spoke. "Shancai, love, look at me."

Shancai slowly raised her head and her eyes met her husband's, seeking out the comfort that she so desperately wanted from him.

"I know what a big sacrifice you've made, leaving your friends and family back home to come to this foreign country while I run my company. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to have you here by my side. So thank you," he looked down as he spoke.

It was Shancai's turn to now cradle her husband's head against her chest. "Why are you thanking me? We're in this together, remember, never to be apart."

"I would follow you to Mars, Ah Si" she told him quietly.

He chuckled. "Hey, don't steal my line!"

"It's not your line," she retorted. "You said you would chase me to Mars. It's not the same thing."

"It is too the same thing. Cos we're always running in circles. I chase you, you follow me. It's a vicious cycle that we're stuck in forever and ever," he grinned at her.

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